8: All in A Day's Work

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AN: I'd like to thank all my readers for sticking around with me! Especially to Dragonostaz  and WhatTheJelly  for their insightful comments and conversation!

"That's the last one." I said as I handed a medical packet of blood over to Jeremy. Even though I had been doing this job for a few weeks now, the packets never weighed less.

Jeremy took it from me gently and laid it down in a wooden box, which was full to the top of other ones. Apparently the wood helped preserve the taste of the blood far better than cardboard did. I didn't argue with that because I wouldn't know. My best friend sighed tiredly before getting the lid and sliding it into coverage. "I'm glad that's over with." He stated.

I nodded and he pulled out his walkie-talkie; he began to speak in German.

It's been weeks since I had dinner with the twins and Wilhelmus. Heinz's words still rang in my ears. He hadn't said much to me since that day, and it was starting to bother me. Aside from Jeremy and the twins, he was my only real friend. I had grown accustomed to his aid as well as his helpful remarks (whenever he gave them). Timekeeping matters worse, I recently moved in. Franz had told me, rather presumptuously, that I was to move into Hush. I had severed his trust by escaping, and that I clearly needed to be watched more closely. Then, with his trademark smirk, he threatened Jeremy's life if I didn't do as he asked. He even said that he'd refer to Miles in order to reenact the ways in which Miles caused me terror.

Obviously I had to accept his demand. Jeremy's death would not happen on my account. Yet on the flipside, I had grown pretty attached to the fanciful room I slept in at Hush. Also, the bathrooms in the club in the upper levels were gorgeous. It was far cozier in the club than my apartment, despite the itch of fear constantly teasing me.

Jeremy finished speaking into the device and turned to me, "Well we're all finished here. They're going to come and pick us up, as well as all of the crates." He informed me.

I nodded.

Even though I had disagreed to working for the cartel, Franz said that it wasn't a choice. It pissed me off to no end. So what did I do? I ignored him. It was the most diabolical thing I could think of doing. Which was a lot in itself considering he was infatuated with me. Giving him the cold shoulder was absolutely devastating to him; which I found out when he ended up offering to still allow me to work at the school. Jeremy told me the twins talked him into it.

Working for the cartel wasn't so bad. All I did was package blood packets with Jeremy in Hush's warehouse. I wasn't sure where it was located. That information was confidential. Since I wasn't a vampire, Franz didn't allow me to actually collect blood. I was supposed to be a regular drug dealer, but the twins told Franz and Wilhelmus that I was far too naïve for that job. So, he put me on packaging duty.

All around us were boxes stamped with giants letters; A, B, AB, O and assortments of positives and negatives. Currently, B was the most popular choice for elite vampires. Yes, I was now in so deep that I knew market's demands. I noticed that the richer vampires paid for B while the lower leveled ones paid for AB. The fresh blood of actual victims was also more expensive than blood stolen from hospitals. Those were the other letters that surrounded us; V-A,B,AB or O, and H-A,B,AB, or O. Victim and Hospital. Was it a Victim with AB? Or a Hospital patient with AB? It gets really complicated. Jeremy told me they also sold the blood of drug addicts because that was the way vampires took drugs. That added whole new letters to the crates and forms, and I didn't care enough to dig deeper.

Jeremy sat on a crate and swung his legs, they were big enough to do that, and smirked. "What would you do if Franz got into bed with you?" He asked suggestively.

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