Chapter One (Edited)

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I looked up with my innocent blue eyes at my evil parents. They were inching slowly towards me with that evil glint in their eyes. We had just ate dinner well not really we just them. I had slaved over that dinner like i do every meal just for them not to share it with me. My mother was the first to reach me and she immediately yells in my face about how worthless i am, knocking me to the ground. My mother is then holding me down as my father reaches on the table grabbing a jagged knife.

I started begging, trying to plead with them. I screamed,yelled, whispered.. trying anything attempting to get through to them. I failed miserably.

"Mom, Dad please don't do this! I'll be better!" I pleaded.

"You promised that last time! YOU'RE A FAILURE! YOU COULDN'T DO ANYTHING RIGHT IF YOUR LIFE WAS AT RISK!!!" yelled my father.

I begged and pleaded until my voice was hoarse and my throat sore. Nothing ever got to them. I mean nothing. I tried everything. I know pretty pathetic right? I believe if you had been in my situation you would've done the same.

I watched in pure anguish as they cut the words pathetic,worthless, fat, and ugly into my skin. Anywhere there was skin they were going to cut into it with that painfully sharp jagged knife. I watched as they cut the word through my pale and fragile skin leaving a bloody stain left behind. I watched as my life essence left my body more than once. I was covered in so much blood. I looked on with tears of agony sliding down my face the entire time wishing they would stop or just kill me in general. They sliced through my favorite shirt with bright smiles of joy.

I made a vow to myself then and there in that one moment. I was going to run away. I was going to escape this torturing hellhole of anguish. I kept watching the blood leave trails of red behind as it slid down my torso, my arms, and my feet. They wanted me to always remember that i was worthless and pathetic for the rest of my life.

I kept gazing at my bloody body as agonized screams left me before i blacked out to see only darkness. The only place i felt safe. The darkness covered me with its welcoming arms as the last thing i saw was the word worthless.

A/n: My Editor: @princess_reni She's Great. Hope y'all enjoy this fantastic chapter.

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