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Blaze's Pov
I woke up to hear a heart-breaking scream, both me and my brother
panicked wondering what had happened and what was wrong and that was
when i saw her face, it was bleeding as if someone had sliced it, i
looked at my brother and said wizard. He shook his head and went to
tell the others as I watched. i then started shaking her trying to
wake her. I then yelled “Leonardo Lion, Hurry up i think if you mark

her it will break the spell and wake her up keeping her from harm." He
looked at everyone as if asking permission everyone nodded their head
up and down. He then walked over to her while we were watching; he

brushed her hair away then pressed his lips on her skin ever so
lightly. I bet she didn't even feel it, i watched as his canines
brushed her neck giving her goose bumps. I watched in amazement as he
slid them inside her neck, immediately after the claim took place his
initial to Leonardo went on her neck right where he had marked her.  A
few seconds later we all heard him gasp, we turned and looked she was

glowing and floating then her eyes opened in shock.

A/n: - i will do another one of the twins tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed.
Editor: - @Princess_Reni

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