The Drastically Change

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*From Last Chapter*
That' when i heard the voice but it was different from my usual wolf, and it was telling me to shift i did that, but to my horror My wolf wasn't what i turned into i turned into.....

*This Chapter*
I turned into a cat. I mean like a cub, a cat, a tiger cub. I mean
seriously a cat, why oh why a cat, that's probably the reason he rejected me. I mean I’m a cat for crying out loud.  Who would want to be with a tiger? I mean tigers are sacred and everything, but to
wolves that's a disgrace. I look like a white zebra striped tiger. I look good but still it’s a disgrace to be one and if you’re a wolf mated to one, it’s awful. I took off running towards the borders. I am so close, just a few more yards. That is one good thing about being a tiger, their speed is amazing. I am soooo fast; I bet I can go over a hundred miles an hour. I just crossed the border freedom.
******************1 Hour Later******************

I smell water. I walked, sniffing my way towards it. I walked through a few bushes coming across the most beautiful waterfall I have ever seen. It looked so majestic. I went over to it and took a long refreshing drink.  I laid down next to it and soon snoozed off.

A/n: That's the next chapter! Hope y'all love.  Editor: - @princess_reni

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