Tagged again......

64 9 56

I got tagged by the amazing: clairebarton0093
1. Do u have a crush on someone? Yes..... *blushes really red*
2. Do they like u back? Actually they did like me back
3. What is the first letter of there name? It is A.
4. Relationship status? He was one of my bff's.
5. Dream wedding? Never thought about that.
6. What made u like him/her? U see I liked his hair, his eyes, and really most of all his personality.
7. Do u ever ship ur self?
Yes I did. We were called B.A.S.S. My initials are B.S and his are A.S and when me and my friends sing all about that bass I would think about us.
8. Do u guys keep in touch? No because he moved to a different school and I never got his number.
9. What make u laugh about him?
His smile. It was so sweet and everything else of course but I loved his smile.
10. What gender is ur crush?
Boy, I am a girl so a boy.

I hope u guys enjoy!!!!

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