Tagged for the fourth time

43 10 7

So I got tagged by the amazing Sergeant_America103  and here goes nothing:
1. What is ur real name?
2. What superhero power would you like?
I would like to be able to control the elements.
3. Coke or Pepsi?
Eh, I prefer Sprite!
4. What is ur secret talent?
I can play piano like a pro, and I have a deep, nice soothing singing voice. But I am a true soprano.
5. What is ur favorite color?
6. Do u like/write smut?
Oh hell no
7. Eye color?
Brown, the brownest brown ever.
8. Hair color?
Same answer for 7 but I have natural high lights.
9. How many siblings do u have?
10. Favorite food?
Too many to choose from
11. Random people you trust:
Anyone who I talk too or role play with 12. Why do u trust them?
Becuase I can
13. Mountain Dew or Doritos?
Mountain Dew flavored Dorito.
14. Have u had ur first kiss?
No am too young to
15. Favorite actor?
Look at me profile and user name. It's Tom Hiddleston
16. Favorite actress?
Probably Scarlett johanson.
17. Fav cartoon?
Gravity falls and adventure time.
18. Wattpad BFFS?
Anyone who wants to be
19. Wattpad family?
anyone who wants to join.
20. Who inspired u to go on wattpad?
My real life friend.
21. Tag.....
I tag anyone who wants to do it

I am soooooooooooooo bored

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