Spoilers review

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This is a spoiler review of Weirdmegedon part 3: take back the falls from Gravity Falls.
Let me just tell you how I felt when I watched this:

I felt like I was impaled to the heart like Loki..but not with the sword but with Gravity Falls feels. I died on the floor and literally said this to the T.V:
"See you in hell monster." To Bill Cipher. I mean don't get me wrong but I love Bill Cipher! But just...man....lets get to the episode review:

It starts where we left off in the second part and goes along to Dipper and Mabel, Stanley is the "Chief" of the group that includes the following people; Pacifica, Grenda, Candy, and many others. But mcgucket was there and they found a way to bring the mystery shack to Bill. And in the fearimid Bill and Ford were talking and it seems that Bill knows how to sing and play piano. Wow me and Bill are so alike. But back to the episode and back in the shack Mcgucket made a cool invention and Soos was so hilarious. He was like "does this have gun rockets? I have been watching a lot of anime and trust me you need to have them." And Mcqucket was like, "What's....a-ni-me?" He asks and I just laughed so hard. So they go on a montage of the whole entire them making the machine and Stanley is mad that no one listened. But they all end up going to the fearimid and the group end up "defeating the henchmen" and now it was Bill VS. The group in the shack. Some action happens and I am gonna skip to the good part.
Pine tree: Dipper
Shooting Star: Mabel
Six fingers: Ford
Heart with stitches: Robbie
Tent of telepathy sign: Gideon
Ice bag: Wendy ((all the theories have come true))
Spectacles: Mcgucket
Llama: Pacifica
The sign on Stan's hat: Grunkle Stan
Question mark: Soos
But things get interesting:
Everyone gets on the symbols and hold hands, they were about to defeat Bill and then Ford and Stan had a fight. Stan wanted ford to say thank you, he did and he corrected stans grammar. They have a fight and Bill was able to capture ford and Stan. Mabel and Dipper go and distract Bill and Ford says, "This is a suicidal mission." And Mabel says back. "We defeated bill before and we can defeat him again!!"
((Moments of awesome action later to the part I cried))
So Stan and Ford switch clothes and hair style to make them look like each other and Bill goes into Fords ((aka Stans mind)) Bill thinks it is Ford and then when he figures out that it is not....he gets mad.
While on the other hand Ford gets out the memory wiper machine and erases Stans mind and let me just say...the last thing he says is, "Maybe I do have something good in me." And he stares at the picture of the family and he disappears. Bill is defeated and everyone is safe, Weirdmegedon is gone and the pines family were in the forest. I was thinking about Steve and Bucky during this..this is how Mabel reacted to Stan not remembering anything:
Mabel: Grunkle Stan!! *hugs him*
Stan: uh hey kiddo...*awkwardly pats her*
Mabel: come on Grunkle Stan...you know who I am *tears up*
Stan: I'm sorry but I don't know who you are or where I am
((Wait for it))
Mabel: *gets held back by Dipper and Stan and she is crying* GRUNKLE STAN!!!!!
((Moment later when Stan starts to remember everything))
Mabel shows memories of Stan and he remember everything. Dipper and Mabel go back to Piedmont and they live happily ever after.
This was such a great way to wrap everything up to the Gravity Falls franchise, I loved it. I hope you all have a great day! I cried so much during this and I felt like Loki getting stabbed through the heart.

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