Tagged for the seventh time

42 6 7

Ok so I am tagged my _Princess_Of_Books_  and here goes nothing!!!!!!!!
1. What is ur nickname?
I have a few, they are Bri Bri, Bri, or Bria. Comment below which one you guys like.
2. Eye color?
The brownest brown you can find
3. Hair color?
Again the brownest of brown, BUT I actually have natural highlights, my hair at the bottom is dark dark brown and the top is light brown.
4. One fact about you?
I actually love doing impressions of cartoon characters and some real people. It is a weird talent but yeah. And I am pretty good actually.
5. Favorite color?
I like purple, idk why tho.
6. Favorite place?
Idk, maybe South Korea or maybe America.
7. Favorite celeb?
Look at my profile pic and there you go. And also Chris Evans.
8. Favorite animal?
This is sort of bizarre but I like cheetahs and turtles.
9. Favorite song?
Right now I like Warriors, I bet my life, or monsters by imagine dragons.
10. Favorite book?
Right now it is the Kingdom Keepers, you should look up what it is. They are really really really good books.

I tag anyone who wants to do it, to lazy to put down people.

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