Chapter 5

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Fear keeps us focused on the past or worried about the future.If we can acknowledge are fears, we can realize that right now we are okay. Right now, today,we are still alive, and are bodies are working marvelously. Our eyes still see the beautiful sky. Our ears can still hear the voices of are loved ones. 

                                                                                              - Thich Nhat Hanh

I hear growling from the distance getting louder each step i take. The wind going through my hair, beads of sweat going down my neck. 

 " God dammit," I curse under my breath. I don't understand, why are there two wolfs behind me, are they about to battle each other.

I keep running but I can hear them catching up to me. Should I keep running or should I hide in a tree, hmm either way they are going to catch up to me, i'm running out of breath i'm so weak....

I decided to quickly climb up a tree, my satchel in my mouth, I climb the tree. I sit down and try to blend myself into the tree leaves

My ears pick up on the loud growling, and the claw marks those wolfs are making on the tree.


Wait what, then the tree branch snaps from under me. My breathing stops, it feels like someone is chocking me, and then I finally hit the forest floor.

"Oww," iI cried out.

My anklet hurts, I cringe my eyes, cradling it. Lost in my agony I had forgotten about the wolfs. Crawling backwards towards the tree, the last thing I see is two wolfs springing forth towards me..


I shot up straight from bed, my hair sweated out laying tightly against me. What was that all about...why would I dream about wolfs. "I'm scared," I said holding myself shivering. Laying in bed I stare out the window, it was snowing.

 "I'ts so beautiful," I whisper. 

Taking the covers off of me I head to the window,  sitting down on the bay window.Closing my eyes I feel the sunlight raining down on me. With that I drifted off to sleep.

Beep Beep

"Hmm," I mumble. Getting of the seat I walk over my bed to look at the alarm clock.

"O my god," I gasp. It's already 9:00 o clock, I missed breakfast and lunch. It's almost time for the bonfire. I make my way to the bathroom to get ready.


Slipping on my flowing white dress with a pinch of blue sparkles on it . I head out of the bathroom, get my purse then exit out of the room, closing the door behind me.

My arm is pulled roughly back, my body pressed against another. 

"Where have you been," the man huskily says. 

"I'm sorry alpha, I've been asleep," I stutter.

He turns me around, looking at me worriedly."Are you alright," he asks. 

"Umm yes sir I was just sleepy," I say nervously. I move away from him, then I hear a growl, quickly reverting my eyes up.

" DON'T MOVE AWAY FROM ME," he shouted. Glaring at me, he put his arms around my waist tugging me against him. 

I whimper, " I'm sorry," I say shaking. Tears filled my vision, that hurt I swear I heard something snap.

I feel the anger rolling off him, maybe if I...

Bringing my head up, I look him in the eyes. I lift my hand, caressing his face.

He stops moving, letting go of my body, just starring at me. 

"Alp-," I begin to say. My chin is jerked up, my eyes fluttering. 

He leans in.

I wonder what's gonna happen /)-(\.

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