Chapter 9

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I stand up in the middle of a meadow. A little girl runs up to me but I can't see her face.She grabs my left arm, pulling me forward as if she wants to play. I tried to ask her where her parents were. She turned her head then simply smiled at me.

I woke up in the evening...the two monsters out of sight, the metallic scent of blood was oozing off of me. I gently but painfully lift my body up from the bed, my neck pounding.

I touch my neck  unsure if I have one left," Och," I flinch from the contact. Why did they do this, I turn my head towards the mirror across the room. I gasp,"No..."

Their long fangs dented on both sides. I almost break, I'm so hideous this ugly scar will forever be on me. I dive back into the mattress not wanting to be awake anymore.

Daisy... Is she okay is she having this much trouble.My eyes widen I reach toward the side of the bed. How could I be so stupid I mentally slap myself. My phone! If they knew I had this, who knows what they would do, I shiver at the thought. Making sure no one else was around I power on my phone entering my password.


134-563-1193," I mumble out the numbers I would never in this life forget.It rings for a bit but it finally stops.

"Daisy!" I call out her name smiling.The response I receive was not what I expected and stopped my heart immediately.

A deep unknown voice responds," NO," and ends the call.

My head was beating hysterically his voice echoing in my mind.Her monster must have found her phone. What if he calls the alphas about me contacting Daisy. My face drenched with sweat and panic. I probably got Daisy in trouble!

"Lia," Chria knocks on the door, calling my name.My eyes shoot to the door in full panic mode. My breathing heavy I stay silent not making any noises.

He knocks on the door again,"Mate I can hear your heart beating fast,"He jiggles the door knob."Open this door now and I'll pretend that you didn't just ignore me."

With shaking lips I nervously whisper," never..."

I'd soon realize that wasn't the greatest response.Even back in my town I never saw Chris as an authority figure.I saw him sorta like a goofy big brother.Someone who always had a smile on his face ...never someone to get angry. In fact this is one of the reason I chose to go with them without fighting. I could trust Chris to never hurt me in anyway. And if I had to be with them for the rest of my life I could trust them at least even if they are monsters. I inwardly laugh, monsters I call them that yet I took this situation so little.They are monsters, monsters that can hurt me.

The door is soon busted down and Chris yanks me off the bed into his arms. I try screaming for help, pushing my palms against him trying to get out of his hold. You could visibly see his wolf had taken control. I don't want to be anywhere around his wolf. Disgusting wolf, I mentally said.

His wolf throws me onto the living room couch getting on top of me.

" W-what," I stammer out.I look up into his eyes...completely black.I rather be dealing with Chris not his wolf.

He growls lowly," Mate." Dam his voice is deep af.

"Yes," I ask.

He sniffs in my scent, his nose in the nape of my neck." Why do you hate me," he asks slowly.His eyes showed so much hurt and fear in them.Looking at him made my heart break a little.

"..Chris," I say slowly," I don't..hate you, but I don't like you in the way you want me too."

" Don't call me that please," he whispers into my ear leaving a kiss," My name is Jone love." Too be honest i'm surprised at how nice his wolf is..I expected Chris to be nicer..Could it be the other way around.

"Jone..may I ask why you are in control and not Chris," I ask .He smiles down at me," Lia he was angry I just didn't want him to do something he would regret."

My heart flutter.. he called me by my name.I smile back up at him," Oh I see." He looked shocked by my smile but nevertheless gave me a toothy grin. Welp that moment you get along with his wolf better then himself.Makes me honestly wonder who the real monster is, is it the wolf inside the human or is it the human in the wolf.

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