our first christmas!!!!!

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Hannah's POV
So its a week before Christmas and me and Shelby are really excited because its our first Christmas with the boys and we just want everything to be perfect for them

" hey babe" Hayes said while coming in our room " what are you doing??" He asked

" I'm working on a song" I said while looking up from my notebook

" oh really what for???" He asked

" well I got asked to... PREFORM IN NEW YORK ON NEW YEARS EVE!!!!!" I yelled while I jumped up and down

" oh my god Hannah that amazing I'm so proud of you" he said while picking me up and spinning me around

" I know and I'm so excited" I said then Shelby walked in

" hey what's all the screaming for if you can't tell today is a fullmoon and I'm not in the mood to hear all of your screaming" she said all pissed

" I'm sorry Shelby go back to what you were doing I'll be quiet" I said and with that she left and I turned back to Hayes

" so anyway what are we doing on Christmas babe" Hayes said

" all of us are going to spend it here since it is our first Christmas with you guys and me and Shelby want everything to be perfect" I said

" babe you don't have to do anything big for us" he said while stroking my cheek

" I know babe but we want to, me and Shelby have always spent Christmas alone so we're just excited to not be spending it alone" I said while looking at him

" what happened to your parents??" He said

I looked at the floor and started to tear up " when we became werewolves they kicked us out and told us to never come back"

" oh my god babe I'm so sorry" and he hugged me

" funny thing is, is that it happened on chrismas" I said

" that must have been horrible babe" Hayes said

" yeah but if that didn't happen then we wouldn't be here now and I wouldn't be here with you so if anything them kicking us out was a blessing" I said and looked at him and smiled

" yeah I guess that's true" he said and he kissed me

I broke it off and said " oh no you don't I need to work on my song ok"

" awww come on you can take a quick break" he said while kissing my neck

" Hayes I have to" but I was cut off by him kissing me so I finally stopped fighting him

---- time skip to Christmas eve----
Shelby's POV
So its Christmas eve and I was sitting on the couch with Jack while watching how the Grinch stole Christmas when Hannah suddenly came down with Hayes right behind her and they were yelling at eachother

" I can't fucking believe you Hayes" Hannah yelled

" hey don't get mad at me Hannah it wasn't my fault OK she came up to me" Hayes said right behind her

" you know what hayes we're done go spend Christmas with your side bitch" and that when I stepped in

" hey hey what happened between you two??" I said

" we were at the mall Christmas shopping and I left to get his present and when I came back i saw him kissing some other girl" Hannah said while crying

" is this true Hayes" I said while looking at him

" no I swear" he said and I listened to his heart beat and it sounded like he was telling the truth

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