The wedding

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Hannah's POV
It's finally the day that me and Hayes are getting married and let me just say I'm so nervous and so is Shelby but we're really excited as well me and her decided to combine our weddings into one because it would save time and also money but the main reason is because we've always wanted to share this big moment in our lives and so we decided to combine our weddings

Mine and shelby's maid of honor who was our best friend Maria came in with the people who were going to do our hair and make up an Maria said

" hey my bitches how are you guys doing??"

" ok i guess" we both said and Maria gave us this crazy look

" are you kidding I would be totally excited about the fact that I'm getting married"

" well we are" Shelby said

" but we're just really nervous as well Maria" I said looking at Maria

" look I get that but cheer up you guys are getting married to the loves of your lives doesn't that make it better??" She said and we looked at each other and smiled

" yeah it does" I said

" thanks Maria we really needed that" Shelby said and we went and hugged her

" of course it's what I'm here for bitches" she said and we laughed

" now come on you two lets get you guys ready for your big day" Maria said and we sat down and we let the people do there work

After about 2 hours they finished with us and we wen to put on our dresses ( mine is on the left and shelves is on the right) and we looked at each other and I thought to myself ' Shelby looks so amazing I'm so happy for her'

Shelby's POV
When me and Hannah came out after putting our dresses on I looked at her and I was so happy for her and she looked so beautiful in her dress and I didn't notice I was crying till Hannah said

" Shelby are you ok??"

" oh yes of course Hannah" I said smiling

" then why are you crying??" She said

" I'm just happy for you and you look so beautiful and then I remembered all the times we talked about our weddings and it just made me cry" I said

" aww Shelby" she said and came and hugged me " I remember all those conversations too and I think you look beautiful as well"  then Maria came in and she said

" hey hey hey don't ruin the makeup!!!!"

" haha we won't Maria" I said and I looked at Hannah and I smiled

" well come on you two it's time" said Maria

" ok we're coming" I said and me an Hannah put on our shoes and after we did I linked our arms together and I said

" you ready little one"

Hannah's POV
" you ready little one" Shelby said and I nodded my head

" yes I am" and with that we started walking down the isle and at the end I saw Hayes and the butterflies went away in an instant and I looked at Shelby and she was smiling and I smiled as well

When we got to the alter I went to Hayes and Shelby went to Jack and when Hayes grabbed my hand he mouthed I love you and I mouthed it back and the priest started the ceremony

Then the priest said "now you may say your vows" and Hayes squeezed my hand and started

" Hannah Mershon the day I met you I immediately took an interest in you I thought you were an amazing girl and when I got to know you I knew that you were the one for me and when you made me mine I was the happiest man alive and when we moved in together it was the best thing that has ever happened to me because I was going to be with the love of my life all day every day and today is the best day of my life because I'm marrying the one person I want to be with for the rest of my life I love you so much Hannah and I have no words to describe it i am so happy that I met you because if I didn't I wouldn't have this right now and I wouldn't be with you and doing this right now and I wouldn't be with the most amazing person right now" and I was crying by now and then the priest said " now it's your turn" and I started

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