nothings happened yet

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Anna's POV
Its been three weeks since we found Derek dead and we got that threat from Theo and nothing has happened we've had a couple close calls but those weren't from Theo but we are still on very high alert

I was in my room laying on my bed because I haven't been feeling well for a few days and Hayes came in the room and sat on the bed and said

"You feeling any better babe??"

"No not really" I said "can you tell Shelby to come here please"

"Yeah sure" and he went and got Shelby

Shelby came in and sat on the bed and Hayes left the room

"So you still feeling like crap little one" she said

"Yeah so can you call the doctor and tell him to come to the house cause to be honest I don't think I can move and with everything going on if I leave the house Theo could come and attack while I'm not here and I can't let that happen" I said

"You've got a point so yeah I'll call him and tell him to come today" she said and got up and started to walk out

"Hey Shelby" I said and she turned around


"Thanks for being here for me love"

"Hannah I'll always be here for you your my little sister" she said and with that she walked out

Shelby's POV
As soon as I walked out of Hannah's room I went to over to my desk and grabbed my phone and dialed our doctors number

"Hello" our doctor said

"Hey doctor Bryant its me Shelby, Hannah has been really sick lately so I was wondering if you can make a house visit and take a look at her" I said

"Yes of course you guys still have all my supplies over there right??" He said

"Yes we do"

"OK I'll be over there in 20 minutes OK" he said

"OK thank you so much doctor" I said and I hung up the phone and jack came in and he said

"Who was that on the phone with you right now??"

"Mine and Hannah's doctor he's coming over to look at Hannah" I said and looked at him

"Does he know about you guys??"

"Yes he does" I said and jack nodded

"So what do you think is wrong with her??"

"To be honest I really don't know but it's really worrying me I've never seen her like this and its kinda scaring me" I said

"Hey she'll be OK she always is"jack said and came up and hugged me

"Yeah your right" I said and hugged him back

"OK I'm going to tell Hannah the doctors on his way" I said and went to Hannah's room

I walked in and I went over to her bed and sat on it and she looked at me all weak and said

"So is he coming??"

"Yes he is love he'll be here in 20 minutes" I said

"OK good" and with that she passed out so I kissed her forehead and got up and left and that's when Hayes came in and he said

"Do you have any idea what this is Shelby??"

"No I don't Hayes but don't worry our doctor is coming over to look at her and he'll find out what's wrong with her OK?" I said and he nodded and went to Hannah's bed and sat on it with her

Anna's POV
I was sleeping when all of a sudden I got woken up to Hayes shaking me and saying

"Hey babe the doctors here to see you"

"OK" I said and that's when the doctor came in he came over to me and said

"So I hear you aren't feeling well"

"No I'm not doctor" I said

"OK well I'm going to need everyone to leave except for Shelby OK" he said and everyone left

"Alright so when did this all start??" The doctor said

"About three weeks ago when we came back from our honeymoon" I said and he nodded

"OK well I'm going to need you to lie on your back OK" he said and that's what I did and he started to feel all over my stomach

"Have you been vomiting a lot lately" he asked

"Yes I have" I said and he nodded

"Shelby go get me the ultrasound cause I'm feeling something strange in her stomach so I'll need to take a closer look" he said and Shelby nodded and left to get it

Shelby came back with the ultrasound machine and plugged it in and the doctor turned it on and got some gel and squirted it on my stomach and he got the thingy and started to look at my stomach

After about five minutes he said

"Well you definitely have something but its not a disease"

"What do you mean by that??" I said and the doctor looked at me smiling and Shelby said

"Love your pregnant" she said smiling

"What??" I said

"That's so exciting love your going to have a baby" she said

"Actually babies"said the doctor and she smiled even more

"Oh my gosh twins!!!" She said "congrats love I'm so happy for you" and I just sat there

The doctor cleaned me up and gave me some pills and he left the room and Shelby came over to me and said

"Love aren't you excited??"

"No I'm not Shelby I can't have kids now" I said

"Why not??"

"Because of everything that's happening Shelby who know when Theo is going to attack" then Scott ran in

"Hannah he's here" and with that I got up

"Shelby get Hayes and everyone and get them to my secret hiding place OK they'll be safe there"

"What about you Hannah??"

"I'm going to end this" and with that I went after the person who started it

I went after Theo

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