something happens

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Hannah's POV
We just got back to the house and I'm so glad to be back and be with everyone but I have a feeling their hiding something from me so I'm going to confront them

So I told everyone even my pack to go to the living room and they all went so after everyone sat down I noticed one of my pack members was gone

"Hey guys where's Theo??" I said

"Yeah um he left the pack" said Scott one of my beta's

"What do you mean left the pack!!"I said

"Well Hannah ever since you took the alpha position from him he's hated you" said Kira

"Yeah I guess" I said "well then I guess I figured out why everyone was acting weird"

"Yeah"everyone said

"Well OK that's all I wanted to know"I said and everyone left to do their own thing and me and Hayes went to my room and hung out there for the rest of the day

The next day I woke up and ran to the bathroom and I puked up a storm and Hayes came in and rubbed my back

"Hey can you get Shelby for me please" I asked Hayes and he nodded and went to go get Shelby

Shelby came in with Hayes and I asked Hayes if I could talk to her alone and he nodded his head and left

"So what's wrong little one??" Shelby asked me

"I woke up this morning because I had to puke" I said

"Are you feeling sick??" She asked

"No in fact I feel fine now"I said

"Wow that's weird" she said and she came over and just rubbed my back

After a while we came out of the bathroom and we were getting dressed when Scott just ran into my room and started speaking frantically

"Hannah you have to come now"

"Why??" I said

"Just come and see" he said and he pulled me to to back heard and when I went put there I saw something horrific

I saw a dead wolf but not just any wolf I saw one of my pack members his name was Derek hale and he was one of my best betas and best friends and I just collapsed on the floor crying when all of a sudden I saw a note attached to him and that's when everyone came out and saw and Shelby said

"What does the note say??"

"Let's see" I said and started reading it

"Like what you see Hannah??, he's not the last so if you don't want to see anyone else dead then you will give me your powers or everyone you love will die got it, from Theo"

"That little asshole how dare he attack our pack I'm going to kill him!!!!!!" Yelled Scott

"NO!!!!!"I yelled and he just stared at me

"Hannah he killed one of our own and your going to let him get away with that!!??" He yelled at me

"OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!" I screamed and he just closed his mouth

"Of course I'm not going to let him get away with it but we have more to worry about we have to protect our own ok" I said then turned to everyone else

"Nobody will leave this house OK all werewolves will be on patrol all around the estate OK if you so much as see a shadow moving you will tell me ok"

"Yes ma'am" they all said and everyone went back inside and Hayes came up to me and said

"Hannah what are we going to do??"

"We wait I know Theo he'll attack first so for now we protect our own" I said

"I dont want you to get hurt"he said cupping my face

"That's what I should be saying"

"I'll do anything to protect you"

"No Hayes you won't you'll stay out of this"


"NO HAYES!!, this is not your problem OK you will stay out of this end of discussion"

"Hannah we're supposed to be in this together you can't keep me out of this!!!"

"I CAN'T LOSE YOU HAYES!!!!!" I screamed and I started crying and he just stood there

"I can't lose you"I cried and he hugged me and said

"You won't Hannah I'll always be here"

"I just can't risk anything happening to you Hayes cause if anything did I would die"

"Hannah if you leave me out of this then something will happen I have to be involved cause I'm already involved anyway"

I sighed "your right Hayes"

"Hey I love you so much Hannah I'd do anything for you"

"I love you to Hayes and I'd do anything for you"

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