the big fight

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Hannah's POV
I left my room in a rampage and I ran into Kira and I said

"Hey so what's the status"

"We're surrounded completely" she said

"OK well get everyone OK I want every werewolf fighting OK we have to protect the house OK" I said and Malia came running towards me


"What Malia??"

"It Hayes" and I froze

"Wh what happened??" I said

"I was taking everyone to the safe place when I was ambushed and I was fighting them off and all of a sudden I see Theo and he knocked me out and took Hayes" she said and I was standing there in total shock

"I'm so sorry Hannah I tried but I lost them" she said crying

"Its OK Malia I know you tried" I said

"So what are we going to do??" Said Kira

"Well I'm going to find Theo and kill him and get Hayes back" I said while walking away

"Wait Hannah" said Shelby as she grabbed my arm

"What Shelby??" I said mad

"You can't fight what about the babies??" She said

"Look right now I don't really care all I care about is finding Hayes OK" I said and got out of her grip and I went looking for Hayes

I went to his room and I got a shirt that had already worn and I got his scent off of it and I transformed into my wolf form and I ran looking for Hayes

After about five minutes I found Hayes laying on the ground all bloody up and I saw Theo just standing there with blood all over his hands and I got enraged so I charged right at Theo and I lashed and I got his arm and he crouched down in pain so I transformed back into my human form and went to Hayes

"Babe are you OK!!??" I said looking at him

"Hannah he got me" he said and he had his arms covering his waist

"I bit him Hannah" said Theo and I turned around and he grabbed my neck and started choking me and he lifted me up

"And now your going to watch your mate die right in front of you" and then reached for Hayes neck but before he got his neck I got my claws out and slashed his chest and he dropped me and I transformed into my wolf form and I jumped right in Theo and I ripped his neck out and while he was bleeding out I transformed back to my human form and I stood over his body and that's when all of his pack and my pack showed up and I stood over his body and said

"This is what happens when you mess with the people I love" and they all stood there in shock and I looked around and Hayes wasn't there

"HAYES!!!!!" I yelled and I ran to look for him

As I was running I found Hayes by some old tree and he was just laying against it so I ran to him


(Start music)

"Hey babe" he said all weak and he was holding his side and I moves his hands and I saw the bite mark and it was covered in black blood and he was coughing it up too

"I'm going to die aren't I??" He said and I just looked at him and I started bawling my eyes out

"I'm so sorry Hayes I never wanted this to happen" I said

"Hey its OK Hannah"

"No its not Hayes this would've never happened if we never met"

"Hey I'm glad we met OK because I would've never met the love of my life" he said and I just laid on his chest and cried

"Hey Hannah why is this happening to me??" He said and I looked at him

"Because sometimes the body rejects the bite" I said

"That's why your spitting up black blood cause your body is rejecting the bite"

"Oh OK" and he coughed up more blood and he started to cry

"Hannah please make it stop"

"Hayes I can't" I said crying

"Please Hannah I can't take it anymore" he said crying

"OK Hayes I'll do it" I said and I put him in my lap

"I love you so much Hannah" he said and kissed me and I kissed back and when we parted I said

" I love you too Hayes" and with that I broke his spine and I felt the life leave his body and I cried so hard and I was screaming

"Hayes I'm pregnant" I said and that's when Shelby found me and she went over to me and she cried

"I'm so sorry Hannah"

"What am I going to do Shelby I can't live without him" I said bawling my eyes out and hugging his dead body

"Hannah you have a piece of him with you right here" and she pointed to my stomach

"But I want him to be here with me" I said

"Hannah he will always be here with you" she said

"I can't live without him Shelby" I said and Scott came over and he took Hayes from me

"NO!!!!!!" I screamed and Shelby held me back and held me in her arms as I cried and she was crying as well

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