Dear Reader

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Hello dear Reader,

I have been tasked on reorganizing the vast Fairy Tale inventory today.

As I was digging out The Classics all of you are familiar with,

I have happened to stumble on a dusty box of rejected stories.

The note says: Not for Children & Too Complicated Plots.

I was about to leave it be and get on with mi' job

but when I saw the very first book on the box,

I realized t'was mine.

A story that I mi'self, had lived to tell the tale.

Plague, take the Ever After Fairy Editor. A pox on the Ever After Fairy Critic too!

I have had enough stories of innocent Princesses doing nothing while Fairy Godmothers do the job fa them.

I have had enough of dumb lazy Princes waiting for the most beautiful girl to arrive and expecting them to be the kindest, most loving soul they've ever laid eyes on!

Stupid brats falling in love on the first day they met.

There! For a Fairy stuck on Charting have rants as well.

Well then, enough of mah blabbering because

Imma publish ma own story as well.

Take that, Ever After Fairy Publisher!

Let me tell you a story about different people;

How they found love

and how they intend to keep it theirs.

When a Witch falls in love with a Prince, who's in love with a Viking Princess,

who's in love with an Inventor, who's in love with a Baker,

who's in love with a Lord, who's in love with the Witch;

Who will end up happily Ever After?

A little bloodshed would be good fa little children,

And what's so complicated 'bout that?

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