Dying Prince

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Chapter 2: Dying Prince

Eastern Turret, Castle of Gilead

The canaries resting on the red tiled roof flew away, startled with the impact of a tray against the wall. The porcelain bowls and the golden spoon rattled loudly as it hit the black marble floor and the silver tray that once held the expensive china. The servant girl's eyes welled with tears but she held it back as she picked up the broken pieces of the porcelain bowls.

The door opened revealing a blonde lady in a frilly red gown. Plump lips painted crimson, cheeks stained vermilion and eyelids glittered scarlet, Princess Everet of Gilead sashayed into the room. Her golden crown on top of her grand bouffant shone like a halo against the black stained glass ornament of the door she just shut close. She helped the servant girl plant her feet steady on the ground while Buck licked the creamy crab soup on the marble floor.

Buck watched the servant girl leave whimpering, while he sat on the cold floor wanting more of the delicious soup. He licked his paws and wagged his tail as he faced the Princess who just sat on the bed. "You could've just asked her to leave," She told her brother, rubbing his tender red knuckles.

"I did. Twice." He interjected with eyes focused on the slit like windows covered in red stained glass. Wondering why his windows had to be so small and stained red.

"nicely." She ended her statement leaving her brother with rolling eyes beneath closed veiny eyelids.

"I know you want to leave this place." She said, staring at the windows as well. "But you won't be able to unless you're fully well." She added, looking at her brother who had suffered for almost five years. "You need to help yourself Kyron. The least you can do is eat."

Prince Kyron turned from the window to the mirror on his left. He couldn't recognize himself anymore. He used to be tan. His muscles used to bulk against his undershirt. He used to have that youthful glow and that sparkle in his baby blue eyes. Every time he would look in the mirror, he would notice himself dying, so slowly that the thought of it hurts. Now he's none more than mere vegetable.

She noticed his pained stare at the mirror, a mirror that didn't reflect her brother any longer.

"I'm Dying, Everet. I heard the physicians talking while all I could do was pretend to be asleep. Two months tops; one of them said." His voice cracked, wiping his bloodshot eyes with bony fingers and broken nails.

Princess Everet ignored the invisible dagger that had just plunged deep between her breasts. This boy might only be his half-brother from King's second wife, but she had loved him more than anything. She watched her brother struggle with every breath he takes.

Two months; that's what the physicians told her and Queen before they left. She remembered her sight blacken and her knees weaken as she held the railings of the staircase where she stood. She couldn't stand the thought of losing her baby brother, the brother she loved so much. She had watched him grow from a tiny potato looking mammal to a decent baby to a playful toddler to a destructive pest to a golden boy to a frail teenager and now, to a dying Prince.

"You can't possibly believe everything those bald men tell you Kyron. Tomorrow, the doctors from Azura will arrive to check on you. We both know Azura is more advanced in the medical field than Gilead, father just won't admit it." She said as she patted her brother's thinning blonde hair; the only resemblance the half siblings have.

Everet closed the door behind her climbing down the spiral staircase of the east turret where her beloved brother lies; deteriorating. The tears she held in, finally cascaded down her healthy red cheeks. Her muffled sobs turned into hopeless wailing as she leaned into the wall. Why does it have to happen to him? Why does it have to be my brother? Why can't it be the murderers and the thieves who deserved to die more than he does? What had the boy done for the Creator to take his life in such an early age? He has the world for the taking and he's trapped above a tower waiting for his time to end.

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