Shattered Beginnings

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Chapter 3: Shattered Beginnings

Shattered red stained glass flew like confetti from the eastern turret towards the inner bailey.

Prince Kyron jolted awake; grabbing a black candle stick perched on his nightstand like a sword to defend his dear life. Chest rising and falling like he's been awakened from a bad dream, the startled prince stared at Georgette in clear confusion of her sanity.

As the young witch, now nurse and later on savior of Gilead's future King, held the prince's sword, she watched him gawk at what she had just done. She stared at the prince, candlestick still pointing to her. But she just shrugged her shoulders like she's doing something completely normal. Looking back at the half broken window, she gripped the sword handle firmly and delivered another blow to the red stained glass. The hilt of the sword shattered the lower half of the window and sent it all away to the inner bailey.

"What in the name of sanity are you doing!" Kyron exclaimed, not even making it sound like a question.

"Poor ventilation." Georgette answered shortly as she walked towards the next of seven slit like windows. Candlestick still pointing towards her as she walked, Kyron never clearly understood what she meant. All he ever heard was his heart thumping and his mind telling him his sister made a huge mistake of making this woman his nurse. "I have never seen windows that do not open." She said as she shattered the second window, the lion's head on the tip of the hilt, hitting the glass and shattering them into pieces. "So I had no choice." She turned towards Kyron with a smile.

A psychotic smile if he's the one to describe it. "The Gileadite's law of the Kingdom states in chapter four article nine that destroying any property of the Kingdom will have you cleaning the whole town square if you would not replace the items which you have destroyed; intentionally or unintentionally." Kyron stated. "Now clearly not the latter." He added, lowering the candle stick in wobbly elbows.

"Well not if I'm doing it to help you breathe better." She replied, now smashing the third window into bits.

"Nonsense, I shall have Henrik deal with your disresp"

"Not if I have the Princess's seal." She healed out a gold necklace with a flat round pendant, engraved with a crowned lion. She flipped it for him to see the back. Given the distance, Kyron could not read the contents engraved in it but he already knows what the seal does. "The bearer of this seal is on official business with the kingdom of Gilead. Gates will be opened, needs will be provided and help will be extended. The Kingdom will forever be grateful to your allegiance and your help shall be repaid when the bearer is done with his/her duty to the Kingdom. Signed, Princess Everet of Gilead." She read the tiny cursive letters that would let her get away with anything less than murder or witchcraft.

Kyron squawked in protest but he had no choice but to watch the raved haired girl in blue, smash all his windows. "I bet you're hungry." She said as she returned his sword to his side, returning the candlestick to its rightful place. "I've had your breakfast ready in the kitchen." She said and tottered out of his room without even completely closing the door.

The cold spring breeze blew, entering the humid turret for the first time. The faint scent of grass and roses came into Kyron's olfactory and his crappy mood somehow had relaxed. He looked around at the open windows, no sign of red glass hindering his view of the blue sky and the Misty Mountains behind Hissing Hills. He had always dreamed of going there, unraveling the truth about the magical creatures that he only read in books and heard in stories of soldiers who had survived their wrath.

A white dove perched on the window, pecking on a speck of red glass Georgette missed to throw out of the turret. Kyron looked at this odd dove. He never knew some doves have gray eyes. He thought of things he never knew. And the more he had blank spaces on his head, the more majestic and mystifying the mountains and the hills had become for him.

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