Part 4 - The Plan

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"Less talking, more running!" one of the militia shouted as the group picked up the pace.

The militia kept to the rear of the formation, spraying bullets into the approaching grimm.

"Doug, Jeff, hold them off!" Melody shouted and she led Raven through a maze of corridors.

The militia men threw each other a glance and nodded. They knew what they had to do. The package had to get to Beacon - at any cost.

Doug stopped, pivoted and dropped to one knee. He emptied his clip into the grim and just managed to pull the pin from a grenade as the grimm reached him.

"Tell my wi-" the rest of his speech was cut off, with only screams escaping him as the grimm covered his body, tearing off chunks of flesh.

As far as scientists could tell, grimm didn't need to eat. Specimens had been kept in captivity for extended periods of time and although they did weaken without food, they did not die.

Jeff cursed as he turned and ran down the corridor, all the time counting in his head.




He was thrown forwards by the force of the grenade and hit the ground - hard. He turned to see a mist of black particles as a large group of grimm disintegrated. He managed a smile before more grimm swarmed around the corner.

Jeff managed to stand up and readied his weapon. He focused on the memory of his daughter, he hoped she made it out of the city in time. The train station was the only way out of the city, it was heavily defended. She must have gotten out... but then he mind drifted to the injured red haired huntress - if she was here then did that mean the station had fallen to grimm? He wouldn't let himself believe that. He couldn't.

"I'm sorry, but Daddy's going to be late tonight" he muttered to himself.

Raven's vision blurred. She had lost a lot of blood, and even with her aura recharged her wounds weren't healing. She heard an explosion - the militia men were fighting hard.

"Stay with me huntress" Melody could hear heavy breathing from Raven - she was very obviously struggling.

They rounded another corner and Melody rushed ahead to a another sealed door - this one required a key card and combination. Melody furiously typed away. *BEEP* The code was incorrect. Visibly flustered, Melody swore under her breath and retyped. The sound of grimm grew louder.

"Sounds like we're about to have company, huntress, I hope you're as good as the stories say...".

Raven drew her sword awkwardly again. Everything was getting fuzzy, Melody's voice seemed distant and distorted. At this rate she would lose consciousness-

The rumble of the grimm horde grew louder and closer - they had made it past the militia.

*DING* The code was correct! Melody flung the door open and threw the suitcase inside, she looked over at Raven to find her collapsed on the floor, the grimm fast approaching.

"Great... of all the hunters I find, I get this one..." Melody grabbed the unconscious girl and threw her into the room, along with her sword, and quickly locked the door behind them.

Less than a second later the sound of grimm hitting the door echoed through the room.

When Raven regained consciousness she found herself in a very white room, the lights were almost blinding. She raised a hand over her eyes as they began to adjust. She and Melody were in some kind of laboratory. It was small, a few metres squared with tables lining the outside walls and a strange machine on the wall opposite the door. The door itself was surprisingly intact despite the continuous grimm attacks.

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