Epilogue II - End of the Line

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Ruby winced in pain as she was thrown to the ground. She started to get up, turning to scowl at the guards.

The familiar voice laughed and slowly approached her, forcing Ruby's attention in front of her - Roman Torchwick.

" Wow... you are much more manageable without that over-sized gardening tool of yours..." Roman stopped, leaning on his cane as he smiled. He could see Ruby's anger rising as she clenched her fist, then leapt to her feet and ran at the orange haired criminal.

The guards didn't move. They knew all too well not to get in that man's way.

Roman effortlessly side stepped Ruby's attack as she jumped, sending her flying to the ground with a thud. He couldn't contain his laughter. This was the girl giving the White Fang so much trouble? She was pathetic.

"Oh man... you know, Perry, I really did need this!" Roman burst into a fit of laughter.

"YES!" Perry thought. He was going to be rewarded for this. His mind begun to list all the things he might get. Delicious food? Women? Money? Hell, he would settle for just a warm bed to sleep on - the caverns under Mountain Glenn were a cold and scary place, he hadn't slept well in months.

After a few minutes Roman was finally able to compose himself. "... But seriously... how did ya find this place, red?" he pointed his cane at her neck, his finger ready on the trigger just in case - his cane doubled as a ranged weapon... and a walking aid, not that he needed it for that reason. The main reason he liked using it was simple - it looked stylish.

Ruby growled, her eyes narrowing. How could she let herself get into a situation like this? Weiss would never let this drop!

With a burst of her semblance Ruby sprinted past Roman and the guards, taking them by surprise. As Roman turned he caught a glimpse of her as she dashed to the end of the tunnel - towards the old main station.

Roman aimed his cane carefully. He paused for a moment debating if he should shoot. After all, she didn't need her legs to talk, and she would be far more manageable if he shot them off.

He sighed and flipped he cane, the handle pointing at the running girl. He just might have to mutilate her if she tried to escape again, but for now it wasn't necessary. He pressed a button and the handle shot forward. It sped through the air at lightning speed and hooked around Ruby's cape.

The line connecting the hook with the rest of the cane tightened and Ruby hit the ground with a painful thud.

While the red caped huntress was still trying to work out what had just happened, she felt a tugging on her back - the line was reeling in, bringing her back to Roman.

"I see you have some tricks up your sleeve..." he waited a few moments for her body to be dragged in front of him, her face writhing with pain, before he continued "let me make this clear - we're not through here yet. Run again and I swear-" he crouched down, whispering in her ear "you will never run again". A sinister smile crept across Roman's face as Ruby begun to shudder in fear. Questioning her would be much easier now.


Roman looked down the tunnel. It shook slightly as dust and light poured in from a newly formed hole on the side - team RWBY had found him.

Several groups of White Fang flooded in from the hole, screaming in horror as they ran. Anton was close behind them. He threw his scythe, embedding it in the skull of a girl as she fell to the ground. Her hands patted her head, moving up slowly until they found the scythe blade piercing her through the mouth. She tried to scream. Nothing happened. Then she fell to the ground. Dead.

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