Part 10 - REPR

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The last message sent to Beacon was shortly after the attack. Beacon knew that Mountain Glenn faced the largest army of grimm ever recorded, but they were confident in Mountain Glenn's victory. Every day it was the same - Glenn would report a grimm attack, there would be hours of radio silence, then suddenly the all clear. The radio operators at Beacon weren't concerned by this latest attack, even after almost a full day of silence.

Help wouldn't be coming.

"What kind of mission?" Rowan cocked an eyebrow and crossed his arms - four hunters against a city full of grimm, whichever way he looked at it this seemed like suicide.

"The grimm targeted the communications tower shortly after breaching the wall, killing everyone inside and severely damaging the equipment there." The mayor explained "The fact that no reinforcements have shown up yet suggests that Beacon doesn't think the situation is serious enough." The mayor paused, looking Rowan deep in his eyes as his tone became more serious.

"I don't need to tell you how serious this is Rowan. Mountain Glenn is lost. By the time Beacon sends anyone we'll be long dead."

The muffled sound of distant gunfire echoed in the tunnel. Rowan and the mayor turned to face towards the noise. Sweat dripped down the cowboy's back with fear.

Then the gunfire stopped and the tunnel returned to silence. No screams. The soldiers had successfully held the line. This time.

Rowan breathed a sigh of relief.

"As I was saying" the mayor continued, sounding relieved himself "the equipment is damaged, so the only way to send a signal will be from the communications console itself - we can't do it remotely. Worst case scenario we'd have to rig something to send Morse code - an SOS - which again would have to be done using the communications console"

Rowan gulped. The communications tower was almost on the other side of the city. "With respect - we're hunters, not engineers. Plus the power is out... maybe we can send someone to Beacon by air, a single VTOL might be able to get past-"

"No." The mayor cut Rowan off "team REPR will fight their way to the tower, activate the emergency generators in the basement and sent a signal to Beacon. Request immediate reinforcements-" the mayor paused and stroked his stubble in thought. "Actually, just request an immediate evacuation, we need to get the survivors out of this hell ASAP."

Rowan slammed his hands on the desk, about to protest - but he stopped himself. The mayor was right. It might take days before Beacon sends a squad to investigate, and if that squad dies it might take even longer for the next squad to be sent. They couldn't evacuate by train, it would be suicide to evacuate over land and without aircraft from Beacon there's no way they could get everyone out by air, especially with the nevermore - large winged grimm - circling the city. The communications tower was their best bet. The soldiers and militia would never make it. Only hunters could get through that many grimm.

The hunter sighed. "Fine. On behalf of team T-" he stopped himself from using his old team name " I mean team REPR, I accept."

The mayor just smiled and nodded. He knew the hunter would accept, there wasn't any other choice.

Rowan left the tent and begun to head back to the medical tent - he wanted to check on Raven. He paused at the entrance as he heard moaning from inside. He glanced through the entrance, his eyes widening at the sight. A young girl, a local celebrity - the singer Crystal - was naked and lying over Raven. He couldn't see his red haired friend, but he could certainly hear her-

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