Epilogue End - The Point Where it Breaks (Alternate Ending)

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*Note - this was my original ending, but I wasn't very happy with how it turned out. I'll leave it here though, it has some cool scenes. This takes place directly after Epilogue II*

Jaune of Team JNPR stood victoriously over the dead Ursa Major. His team, like RWBY, were still in the academy. Jaune was the leader, but he didn't understand why. He had lied to get into the academy. When he joined the academy he had little aura. No semblance. No skill. Just his grandfather's sword and a dream of being a hero. That had changed recently. His teammate, Pyrrha had managed to unlock his potential. With a little training he would be able to hold his own on the battlefield. Maybe, just maybe, he could become a hero after all.

Jaune was fairly tall with blonde hair and blue eyes. He wore a black hoodie and jeans with a white chest-piece - another family heirloom - over the top.

"Oh Jaune" Weiss ran up to him and embraced him firmly "you're my hero".

Jaune smiled and held the icy huntress close. He moved in for a kiss.

His eyes closed and he felt her tongue in his mouth. It was warm, wet and the best feeling he had ever felt. After a few moments they parted lips and he opended his eyes.

"Oh Jaune" Pyrrha, his teammate, was suddenly in front of him. There was no sign of Weiss.

Pyrrha was famous, not that Jaune knew. She was at the top of her class in Sanctum academy when  she graduated, winning the Mistral regional tournament  four times in row - her face was even on a cereal box!

Pyrrha's hair was long and red, tied in a pony tail. She stood tall, but a little shorter than Jaune. Her eyes were a vivid green. Pyrrha wore a tight fitting brown strapless top with gold trimmings, gauntlets and thigh-high golden leg armour and a very short skirt. Extremely short. Her weapon of choice was a spear - one that could be used as a either a spear, sword or rifle - and a golden shield. Pyrrha had a crush on Jaune. Of all the people she had met he was the first to treat her like a normal girl and not some kind of celebrity.

Jaune reeled back in confusion but then stopped. He looked deeply into Pyrrha's eyes. She was beautiful. He moved in for a kiss.

*beep beep*

Jaune knew that sound. His alarm clock.

He sprung awake to find himself in team JNPR's room in Beacon academy. It had all been a dream.

He sighed.

Today was going to be a busy day. Team JNPR was heading out for a mission.

An hour later Jaune and his team moved towards a VTOL which would fly them to their mission. It was early. The sun was just rising, but the city was noisy today. With the Vytal festival fast approaching shops had been open 24 hours a day and were packed.

Alongside Jaune were his teammates. He was too nervous to look Pyrrha in the eyes after his dream. Another teammate was Nora, an eccentric girl with short orange hair, turquoise eyes, a white top and pink battle skirt. She was a little crazy, but with her hammer she was a force to be reckoned with. Nora skipped along with a smile on her face - she was excited to finally go on a mission.

The last member was Ren. He wore a Chinese styled green top and white trousers with long black hair and piercing magenta eyes. He was a quiet man and always got dragged into trouble by his childhood friend Nora.

Trevor was a pilot. A damn good pilot. He had been busy over the last few days flying hunter teams from the academy to various mission sites. Only two teams remained in Beacon - JNPR and CFVY, who had recently returned. But that thought didn't phase him - Beacon was safe. There was zero chance of a grimm attack.

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