Chapter 6

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Fae let me lead her further into the store. I feel like that's a good thing because she was trying roast me not even five minutes ago.
Maybe it's because I'm fine as fuck now.
I just needed to find Albert and figure out what the fuck is really going on, because all of this bullshit that Toren is doing can't be because he wants my lanky ass to be a vampire with a pretty wife.
Dude is up to something .
"ALBERT! WHERE ARE YO-" A hand slapped itself over my loud ass mouth and a flicker of light showed me Albert. I'm not gonna lie, I was happy as fuck to see Albert's goofy looking ass.
"Follow me and I'll explain myself when we get there." He then turned to Fae and flicked the light off from the fingers on his left hand to his right hand. He took Fae's other hand and smiled at her. "Hello there. I'm Albert. You must be Sir Franklin's madam. Very gorgeous." YO WAS HE GASSING MY ASS UP??? WAS HE THE MVP WINGMAN. YALL THIS DUDE KNOWS WHAT THE FUCK IS UP.
Fae hummed in content while smiling at Albert. Wait, did he forreal help me with Fae? I hope the fuck so.
"Alright let us get going." Albert let go of Fae's hand and started leading us through the dark. People were still hiding and getting the fuck out of the store as we eased our way to the exit. Fae held onto my hand and let me lead her out. Like, fam... I was in heaven. Baby girl's hand was soft and she smelt of cocoa butter and she was shorter than me and Albert might have made me look good. Oooooo lordt I'm so happy.

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