Chapter 2

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I don't think this weird ass guy liked my explanation. 

He clenched his jaw as he huffed in frustation. I was kinda nervous but mostly annoyed. Like how in the hell are you gonna try to get me to fight some bitch ass battle that I don't care about? No means no, bitch.

"Frank, you don't understand. You must become a vampire. You can be one of us and live for eons. Think of..." I tuned this Goblin King looking dude out. He was starting to make my head hurt. Like, why in the fuck would I want to live for so long? THIS AINT FUCKIBG TWILIGHT AND SHIT.

"Excuse me!" I snapped my head back to face the guy. Did he ever say his name? Fuck, who is th- "Franklin, you will follow us and allow us to turn you into a vampire. We need you." The vampire lady that was closest to The Goblin King wanna be on his right side spoke. I admit, her voice was pretty, but she's probably like fifty million years old.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I said no. Bye." And I walked home and gave my mom those damn bread crumbs before falling asleep on the living room couch.

"Frank, you have some friends here. Wakey wakey, honey." I opened my eyes to see my mom smiling at me. I sat myself up on the couch and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. 

"Hello, Franklin." I woke the fuck up hella quick. Smacking my lips, I stood up and pointed to The Goblin King. "Why'd you let him in, ma? Can't you tell by his booboo looking hair and crackhead looking eyes he's not right?" My mom gasped, smacking my arm before speaking, "Franklin Wyatt Benjamin! You better watch your mouth and have some manners! He's quite handsome if you ask me." I swear to fuck I'm going to throw up. All of those bread crumbs must have gone to my mom's head or some shit.

"Franklin, I was just telling your delightful mother that we need you for a business meeting." I groaned so loud that I made my own head hurt. Why in the fuck won't this guy leave me alone? My mom seems to like him though. Maybe I'll put up with this dude for a little longer for her to get some good mental shots. Fuck.

"Mom, he wants me to be a vampire." "I'll suck all the blood from his dick." My eyes bulged out of my head as my mother covered her mouth as a smirk played on The Goblo Kings' mouth. "MOMMA, NO." I shouted as the two eyed each other. I wanted to cry and lock myself in the pantry and never come out. I can't do this shit, man. Moms don't do this shit.

"Wowza, how unlady like of me." My mom giggled as the Goobla King got closer to her, caressing the back of her hand with his thumb. WHY IS THIA HAPPEBING ? I MIGHT HAVE TO BECOME A VAMPIRE AND MY MOMMA'S FLIRTING WITH THE DUDE TRYONG TO CHNAGE ME. WHY? "ABYWAY... Vampires. Let's please stay on subject." I quickly moved on while trying not to throw up.This is nasty as shit, man. I'm so upset. No one should hear that shit from their mom.

"Frank, why don't you let Albert help you? Think about all of the friends you'll make."

I swear to shit...

The Koopa King kissed my mother's hand, snapped his fingers, and next thing I know we're in some dark ass room. "Uh... the fuck is up." I spoke out, causing my voice to echo. Lol what the hell man.

I slowly turned around in a circle as if that'd fucking help me with anything. "Hello? I'm doing the stereotypical white person thing and disclosing my exact location whilst I am unaware if there is a killer or not near by. Hell-AHH!" I SHOUTED OUT INTO THE DARKNESS AS MY NECK was douced in absolute pain.


SO.... this is the second chapter and it sucks balls but that's okay cause ima come back and edit it soon.
Thank you for reading this disaster. I love you. C:

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