Ch. 1: Travels

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April 5th, 7:00pm

"Hey, honey. Just wanted to let you know I'm just about to leave for the airport. How was your flight over?" I ask my boyfriend, Hans, who I will be meeting in New York where we will be spending our 5 year anniversary together.

"It wasn't too bad! And okay, be careful because one of the spots we flew over was beginning to get a storm warning." He answers back with a little concern in his tone.

"Okay, I will. Love you, see you soon." I continue to walk into my closet to grab some more clothes to shove in my suitcase.

"Okay, love you too, oh! And I have a surprise too once you land." Then there is a click and he is no longer on the line.

What could he be planning? Could he be...proposing?! Elsa, don't go over thinking anything.

I excitedly finish up packing my bag and travel bag then head out the door to catch a taxi in downtown Seattle to the airport.

"Taxi!" I didn't realize how weird I looked until people started giving me weird looks as I stand there is my light blue long sleeve, light gray sweats, and tan Uggs waving my hand frantically at the cars. I stop though thankfully just in time for one to see me.

"Hello there, where are you headed to Miss...?" I set my stuff in the seat next to me and look up to see his big semi-beady eyes and 5 o'clock aftershave.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It's Elsa, Elsa Arendelle."

"What a nice name. Where are we headed?" He asks turning around to face the steering wheel.

"The airport please! Thanks." I do my best to end the conversation there by looking down at my phone.

After a little while of silence he asks another question,"I don't think I caught where you were flying to there Miss Arendelle, where was it you said?"

"Oh, to New York, it's my boyfriend and my anniversary in a few days!" I suddenly got so excited to talk about it, what if he does propose! Wouldn't that be amazing, in New York!

"Oh! Are you now that's awesome." He continues to drive with eyes locked on the road.

"Yeah, I think he might propose!"

"That's just wonderful, Miss. I hope he's a good guy."

"Oh he is, he wouldn't hurt me." I say with a little smile on my face.

The car goes quiet after that, I look out the window onto the busy street thinking about the perfect scenario.

It could be so wonderful.

Snap out of it Elsa! You don't even know if it's actually happening.

Yeah yea-

"Alright Miss Arendelle we are here." His comment snapped me back to reality.

"Oh thank you!" I pay him and step out of the car and grab my bag. After closing the hatch of the taxi, I watch the car drive away in the dark then head inside the airport to board the plane.

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