Ch. 7: Slumber Party

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April 6th, 8:45pm

By the rate we are going, hopefully we'll be to Louisville in no time.

I turn off the water, dry myself off then change into my white crewneck and fuzzy light blue pj bottoms.

I don't really know though if I want it to end soon though.

Elsa?! Of course you do, look at where you are, and you're with Jack. He isn't half the guy Hans is.

As soon as I finish up drying my hair I open the bathroom door to find Jack sitting there on the bed fiddling with his guitar.

He looks up and takes his hands off the strings,"Took you long enough."

"Sorry, what were you playing?" I ask leaning against the door frame.

He looks at me with his deep blue eyes then turns away to put his guitar back in the case,"it's nothing, I'm going to get in the shower now, be out in a second." He finishes clipping the little latches then walks around me into the bathroom.

I move out of the way so he can close the door, then head over to lay down on the bed.

I pull out my phone to check of Hans sent me any messages. Nothing.

"Huh, must've had a busy day today, hey Siri, call Hans."

The phone begins to ring and it goes straight to voicemail, "hey honey, just wanted to call and say goodnight, so good night and I love you, see you soon."

Hanging up the phone, I check through social media, for a few minutes then shut it off and lay it on the bed.

Should I be worried?

Of course not Elsa, he has probably been having late hours at work. You guys have been together for 5 years done be worried.

Okay. I wo-

"Elsa," I hear Jack call from the bathroom.

"Yeah?" I sit up to find Jack shirtless in the doorway with a towel around his waist. My stomach dropped, his shoulders were strong and his abs.

Elsa! Snap out of it!

"Um yes how may I help you?" I look up at his face.

"Can you hand me my travel bag?" He looks at me with this awkward smirk.

"Yeah, let me umm get that for you." I stumble off the bed and grab his bag to give to him.

"Thanks," he takes it and closes the door.

Holy moly.


Right right.

I lay back down this time laying my head on top of a pillow, and fall asleep.

"Elsa, Elsa." I slowly open my eyes to a pitch black room.

I close my eyes and groan, "what?"

"Can I sleep up here, I swear I'm not going to try anything. This floor sucks."

"Go for it." I whisper before rolling over and falling back asleep not taking in anything that happened.

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