Ch. 11: Not Only a Broken Car

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April 8th, 8:00am; Anniversary Day

I wake to the sound of Jack calling my name. "Elsa, Elsa, time to get up, the tow truck is here."

I open my eyes slowly to find his face looking at me with "sorry" written all over it. "Okay, okay, I'm up." I crawl out of the car just in time for the truck to pull up behind us and the man hops out of the back.

"Hey there, North!" Jack walks up to the big older man who wears a red shirt, with suspenders and has a long white beard.

"Hi there, Jack! I've heard vou are in a little bit of a sitvation," He has a heavy Russian accent. Then, he spots me, "And I see you have a friend vith you. I'm North." He sticks out his hand.

"Hi, I'm Elsa." I stick out mine back and we shake, his rough hand is fully able to wrap around mine.

"Nice to meet vou, let's get you tvo back to tovn." We hop in his truck and he loads up the car. The whole ride to the shop was mostly quiet, the boys talked a little here and there but I stayed quiet.

Once we got into town, they take the car in and Jack looks over everything with North and I wait outside the garage.

I should probably call Hans before my battery dies.

I tap on the call button by his number and place it up to my ear.

The ringing stops and someone answers, "hello?" The voice sounds sleepy, and not Hans. More like a girl.

My stomach lurches, "H-hi, is Hans there?"

"Yeah, one second," Her voice sounds like it moves away from the phone and you hear talking in the background, "babe, babe, there's some chick on the phone for you."

No, this can't be happening.

Tears start to fill in my eyes and anger fills my every inch of my body.

"Hello?" He answers sounding like he just got up.

"We. Are. Through. Bastard." Is all I can get out before hanging up. I throw my phone across the parking lot and collapse against the wall by the garage.

My heart is torn but thankfully not as much as I thought it could be. But the pain still hurts like nothing I've ever felt.

"So, it looks like the engine over-heated or somethi-, Elsa? What's going on?" Jack kneels down next to me and I just look at him and wrap my arms around him and ball.

"H-H-He, cheated on me. I feel like such an idiot." He wraps his arms around me and stays quiet. "I should've known, man I'm an idiot."

"No you're not." He quietly says to me, "You are not an idiot, he is, got it? You're smart, beautiful, and so amazing. And don't ever doubt it."

"You think so?" I say still buried in his chest. "Of course I do, I mean we only met like three days ago, but I knew from when I first saw you on the plane, that you were going to be in my life a lot more than just some stranger."

I pull away and look up at him, "Y-you did?"

He wipes away my tears, "Yeah, that's why I called you princess honestly, you're so beautiful and I wanted you to be my princess."

I'm feeling both happy and heartbroken, how can this be a thing?

"Thank you, I wish I met you sooner." I say going back into the hug.

"I do too." We sit there for a second until North gives the okay that the car is good.

But, what do I do now?

We go to his house, which is a cute little place is a smaller, semi nice neighborhood.

We walk up to the darker brown porch and Jack knocks on the door, "Just to warn you, my best friend and room mate is a weirdo."

"YO! There you are!" His friend opens the door, wearing a brown t-shirt that kind of matches the color of his Justin Bieber styled hair, and camo green boxers.

"Hey Hiccup." Jack calmly says and looks over to me.

Hiccup's eyes widen he sees me, "DUDE! You should've told me you were bringing a girl here, Christ almighty. He jumps out of the doorway and goes to probably his bedroom to change.

We walk into his house and it looks as if a huge party occurred here. Red solo cups litter the floor. "You had the party without me?!" Jack yells to Hiccup.

"Yeah! I thought you were going to get home sooner! By the way, who's your friend?" He asks coming back into view this time with darker blue jeans.

"This, is Elsa. We met on the plane, and drove all the way here." Hiccup approaches me extending his hand.

"Please to meet you, I'm Hiccup." We shook hands then let go, "so, are you planning on staying here or..."

"I'm a little unsure at the moment, but I like it down here!" I look up at Jack and smile.

"You should! It's nice and fun." Jack looks down at me and smiles back.

"I'll give it a try." I wink at him then look back at Hiccup.

"Rriiggghhtttt, I'm going to go meet up with Merida, you two have fun and I'll see you later." He walks around us and our to his dark green truck.

"So, you're really thinking of staying here?" He goes around the living room picking up some cups.

"Yeah, I mean why not! I can find a good job down here, plus you're here. Where's your trash bags I'll help." I walk over to the darker, modern kitchen assuming they are over here.

"You would move down here? Really?" He raises his head excitedly, "oh and under the kitchen sink."

"Yeah! Who knows what could happen down here." I smile at him brightly.

This could be the start of something wonderful.

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