Ch. 6: Room 2

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April 6th, 4:39pm

It's funny taking a road trip with most guys, they only stop when they absolutely need to, while with girls they see something cool and they'll stop.

"When will we be stopping to eat dinner?" I ask over the sound of the radio which was playing old classic rock.

"Pretty soon, I think we are coming up on a little rest stop, there's bound to be a little hotel there." He keeps his eyes locked on the road.
(We switched spots after the byway when we stopped for a bathroom break).

Once he finishes his sentence, and decides to not continue the conversation. I look at him then quickly change the radio station because I was kind of getting tired of old rock. The song that plays is Ed Sheeran's "Thinking Out loud" and of course I begin to sing a long quietly.

"Hey! I was listening to the other station" He glances over me with a little frustration but then shakes it off.

"We've been listening to your station for about 6 hours now, we can listen to mine for a little bit." I cross my arms and look straight ahead at the lights in the darkening sky that appear to be a rest stop.

"Alright alright whatever you say princess." Keeping his eyes on the road he smirks.

"Again, why do you keep calling me that if you're not flirting with me because it sounds like you are." I glare at him waiting for an answer.

"Oh I was right, it is a little rest stop let's stop here for the night then we'll take off first thing in the morning."

"Okay, but you still haven't answered my question." Still staring I watch him trying to think of something to say.

"Just because, I mean you're proper, and you always get your way and such."

"Right," I say unconvinced that's why he calls me that. We turn into the driveway of the little Westerny looking bed and breakfast kinda place and park.

We open the doors and walk into the main office, where we find no one sitting at the front counter.

"Hello?" Jack says looking around.

"You Hooo!" A man comes out of the back room waving, his big ginger beard and big nose are the first thing to notice, even though his size is a little intimidating, his outfit says otherwise.

"Yeah, hi. Umm two rooms please." Jack tells the owner of the little motel.

"Oh no can do sir, we only have one room available at the moment." He looks at the two of us with a long frown on his face.

"Uhh-," Jack looks at me not knowing what to say.

"That's okay, thank you sir." I finish Jack's words.

Elsa! What are you doing it's going to be awkward.

I know but I don't want to have to sleep in the car.

Jack looks at me confused then back to the owner,"Right, we'll take it."

"Woo Hoo! Follow me!" His beady little eyes lighten with joy as he grabs the little key off the wall and heads out the door to the rooms, "Alrighty here you folks are."

"Thank you!" I say as he hands Jack the keys to the room. Before opening or saying a word we watch the owner's big shadow head back inside the main building.

"You're boyfriend will be okay with this?" Jack says as he jimmies the key into the lock.

"Yeah, he'll-," I'm about to finish what I was going to say when Jack opens the room and swings the door open, "uhh." Is all I can say to finish my sentence. The room was small. Like very very small. The Queen sized bed took up most of the room, then there was a door leading to probably the bathroom, and two night stands crammed against the log styled bed and a log styled dresser was across from the bed against the wall. The wallpaper doesn't help at all either. Green and dark green stripes. Yeesh.

"Oh my god." Jack begins to laugh at the site of this monstrosity.

A little uncomfortable, I go to the car and grab my bag out of the back. When I come back I find Jack exploring the tight room.

"How big is the bathroom?" I ask him as he opens one of the drawers.

"You can see for yourself but you're not going to like it." He closes the drawer and walks pass me to go grab his bags.

I put my suitcase on top of the bed then open the door to the door to the bathroom as much as I can and peek in.

Of course.

The room has an old shower, a rusty little sink, and a little toilet in the corner. Everything even the walls are an old off white.

"Well, what do you think?" He closes the door behind him and puts his suitcase and guitar case on the bed as well.

"So do you actually play guitar or are you just carrying it for someone?" I ask realizing how stupid I sound after I said it.

"I play yeah, so, who gets the bed?" He crosses his arms and sits on the bed.

Well if you were a gentlemen I would get the bed.

"I could ask if the owner has any extra blankets for you and you could sleep on the floor." I give him a little smile and put my hands on my hips.

"Or you could for you and I could get some shut eye."

"Funny funny funny." I glare at him and move the bags onto the floor in front of the bed.

"How about we make it fair. Rock Paper Scissors for it? Or flip a coin or something?" He gets up from the bed and comes towards me holding out his hand in a fist.

"Okay, okay," I hold out my hand and we begin, "1, 2, 3 shoot."

I won with rock.

"Yes!" I look up at him before starting again, he avoids the eye contact but still gives a little smile.

"Okay again it's 2/3." He chuckles.

"Okay, 1, 2, 3, shoot." I say getting a little excited.

I lost using paper.

"Beat that, princess. Now this one is for the win, 1, 2, 3, shoot!"

"Yes!" I yell beating him. "What now son!" I jump a little.

"Good one good one." He gives a little chuckle then walks around me to the door.

"Where are you going?" I ask a little concerned.

"Just to ask for some blankets and an extra pillow, be back in a second." He smirks at me then leaves the room.

Well, might as well go shower while he's gone.

I head into the terrible bathroom with my pjs in hand, shut the door then turn on the water.

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