Ch. 5: Scenic Byway

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April 6th, 9:10 am

We have been driving in the hard downpour for about an hour now. One long, quiet hour with only the radio to fill the silence between us.

"So," I start off. "Why were you in Seattle?" I ask finally breaking the silence.

"I had a gig over there," he answers still keeping his eyes on the road. "It's silly to travel that far for something so little, but it could lead to something else, who knows."

"That's pretty cool!"

"Yeah," he says a little awkwardly,"Why are you headed to New York?"

"My boyfriend is currently there, for business. He wants me to come down and I think he might propose." I smile a little at the thought.

"How long?" He asks.

"How long what?"

"How long have you two been together?" He glances over at me then looks back at the road.

"Oh, about 5 years." Once the words came out of my mouth he gave a little chuckle.

"What? What could possibly be so funny?"

"That's a long time princess. My lord he must not be one for commitments."

"It's Elsa, and that's not true, he's just waiting for the right time."

"Alright, alright. Hey! Look a McDonalds, let's stop there."

"Do you have any idea what that place serves?" I say disgusted by the thought of eating there.

"Yeah, food." He smirks and pulls into the parking lot turning off the key. "Okay, we will get out of the car and sprint to the door," he pulls his hood over his head. "Ready in 3, 2, 1." We both exit the car and slam the doors then sprint somewhat avoiding the downpour.

We run into the McDonalds breathing a little harder than normal and try to casually walk up to the counter.

"Hello and Welcome to McDonald's! How may I help you?" The employee who looks like he could still be in high school asks.

"Hi, I'll take the pancakes with hash browns and a Pepsi, and, what do you want princess?"

Still looking at the menu I order, "I'll have the Egg McMuffin with a water please."

"Alright we will have that right out."

"Thanks." Jack adds before we sit down at a little table.

"Where are we?" I ask before pulling out my phone to check out the map.

"I think we are in Decatur, Nebraska." He says as he looks around. "I thought I saw a sign on the way in.

The map finally loads proving that he was right. "Yeah, you're right. Hey! We are close to the Missouri River! We should take the Lewis and Clark Scenic byway! That would be so pretty."

"Why? We won't be able to see it, it's too rainy."

"No. 27." Jack then gets up to grab our food and I still sit exploring the scenic byway.

"Come on it could get better." I say as he sits down with the tray. "I'll drive if you want. Come on."

"Fine, only if you drive." He opens his box containing the pancakes and begins to eat.

"Sweet." I say taking my McMuffin of the tray.

Once we finish up eating, we sprint to the car switching spots. As soon as we get in, I turn on the windshield wipers, then start the engine.

"This is going to be a waste of time." I hear Jack mumble under his breath.

"No it won't it'll be fun." I put the car in reverse, back out, then drive off following the directions given by Siri. Finally we find the scenic byway. Even though the rain is making everything look a little gloomy, it's still beautiful. The plant life is just blooming with leaves bright green.

"Oh wow." I hear Jack say.

"Told you." I smirk and glance over to see him with his face against the window staring at a little waterfall as we go by.

"Yeah yeah, it's kind of cool." He chances views and looks over at me probably to see out of my window. "Okay, I have to admit it's really beautiful." He says still looking my way with excitement in his voice.

It's like a kid in a candy store.

I giggle a little bit at the thought of it.

"What?" He asks still looking out all windows.

"Oh nothing." I glance over one more time at him then lock my eyes on the road ahead.

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