7.) The Promise

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Going out to coffee soon became a daily routine for Tony and Loki. It got both of them out of the house and they were able to get to know each other without the stress of being in an Avenger filled house. But as soon as they returned Loki was right back in his room. Even though he secluded himself, Tony saw progress with Loki. With the evening ringing in Tony joined the other Avengers in the living room.

"Hey Tony." Bruce motioned for him to come in the kitchen.

"What's up?" Tony wandered in while the others watched tv.

"How's he doing?" Bruce was one of the only ones aside from Thor that actually seemed to care about the guest.

"I won't say good because that would be a lie but he's better. He's making progress, hasn't had a mental breakdown in a while. I wish he'd come out of his room more but what can you expect. He knows he's unwanted here, he isn't ignorant." Tony shrugged as he spoke.

"Yeah I feel bad, no ones really given him a chance. By the way you speak about him he doesn't seem like a threat. Everyone will come around eventually. I can understand both sides, he's trying to redeem himself, he wants forgiveness. Whereas the others can't really seem to shake the feeling of him. He did try to take over a whole city. But he deserves a chance at a good life. Maybe if we talk to them they will understand." Bruce spoke with compassion.

Tony muffled a laugh, "yeah right. I've tried talking to them and no one will give him the time of day. He's endured enough punishment."

"All we can do is try." Bruce remained optimistic.

"You're right. He should be seen like the rest of us instead of hiding out in his room. I'm going to try." Tony quickly made his way back to the living room. "Hey guys," he said a little bit too loud. All heads turned to face him. No one spoke. "Cool alright well hm," Tony was at a loss for words. "I guess all I'm trying to say is, can you all give Loki a chance? I've gotten to spend more time with him lately and he deserves at least that. You don't have to go out of your way to talk to him but can you all at least make an effort? No dirty looks, none of that shit. Just treat him like the rest of us." Natasha was the first to say something.

"You're really funny Tony. You're just completely overlooking everything he did. I know that he's just going to screw us over. I never thought of you being a pushover but that's exactly how you're acting. So he pulls the puppy dog eyes on you, and you're sold? He's a cold hard villain, you can't just change someone like that." She laughed as she spoke.

"I didn't change him, he's changing himself. He's not perfect but if you actually talked to him ever you'd know he's apologetic for what he did, half the time when I ask him about it he doesn't even seem to remember what exactly even happened. For all we know he could have been brainwashed. I'm not asking you to be best friends with the guy, but it's not healthy for him let alone anyone to spend 90 percent of their time in a room all day. No one has to be friends with him. I just want him to be able to feel comfortable enough to roam around, not scared to be around anyone. We were all given second chances as far as I'm concerned, why can't anyone give him one?" Tony was trying not to yell, it took every ounce of control to not lash out.

"I don't particularly like him, but Tony is right, he deserves a chance." Steve acknowledged.

"My brother may be a lot of things, but he is deep down a good person." Thor added.

"I don't care what you guys all want to do, but I want nothing to do with him. I'm not going to like him, I'm not going to be his friend. Fine I'll tolerate his existence but if he does anything I'll be the first person to kick his sorry ass. Yours too Tony don't think I won't." Natasha fumed. That was good enough for Tony to hear.

"Thanks guys, that's all I'm asking for, just tolerating him. No one even has to be nice just don't be an outward asshole." No one had anything else to say. Everyone else seemed to be at a loss for words too. Tony walked out of the room to the elevator up to Loki's room. He knocked before entering, no answer. He knocked a little bit louder before hearing a muffled groan. "It's Tony, goat horns." He heard the bed creak ever so slightly before the door swung open. This time Tony actually gasped out loud. Loki's eyes were even more sunken in than they have been the past couple days and were glazed over and burning red; his cheeks sallow. "Dude I just saw you this morning, what happened to you?" Tony looked Loki up and down. Loki hardly acknowledged that Tony was even talking. He tried to remember the last time Loki ate and who knows if he ever slept or not. Loki wandered back to lay in bed. Tony took it upon himself to run a bath for him. He ran the water to fill up a little bit and left the room. He came back with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses. "Lokes get up I have a bath waiting for you." Loki groaned something foreign and forced himself up and out of bed. With the water still running Loki sat on the ground and leaned his head against the edge of the tub. Tony snapped his fingers at him to get his attention. "Hey sunshine, drink this." Loki raised an eyebrow at the glass but didn't question it. He took a drink and let the liquid run warm down his throat. Loki chuckled slightly.

"Trying to get me drunk Stark?" Tony laughed.

"You looked like you could use a little bit of my friend Jack." A smirk spread across Loki's face. The bath filled up and Tony turned the water off. "You should get in, will help relax you a little bit." Loki continued to sip the whiskey. Another sarcastic comment waiting on his tongue.

"Ok so you're getting me drunk and now you want to see me naked?" Loki's eyes rolled back in his head as he stifled back a tipsy laugh; the alcohol going straight to his head.

"Oh no, I would be more subtle if I actually wanted you drunk and naked Reindeer Games." Tony said through laughs.

"Don't look at me, turn around." Loki demanded, sipping more of his drink; each sip getting him more and more tipsy. Tony chuckled again, turned his head whilst covering his eyes.

"Ok how's this."

"Fffiiinee ," the word stayed on his tongue longer than someone sober. "Ok you can look now." Loki was in the tub this time, still leaning his head against it. Loki swigged the last of his drink and almost immediately, Tony poured him just enough more so he would sleep well.

"I'll leave you be, I'll be back in a little bit." Tony was just about to get up when Loki grabbed his wrist.

"Please don't go." Loki pleaded.

"Oh, ok. I can stay." Tony seated himself back down. He stayed to talk to Loki until He finished his drink and seemed to be relaxed enough to sleep for once. "Alright let's get you in bed." Tony handed Loki a towel and helped him out. Loki drunkenly threw some pajamas on and got himself curled in bed. Tony was getting ready to leave him be when he heard a soft sentence come from Loki.

"Please don't go."

Tony smiled. "I won't."

"Promise?" Loki choked out, half asleep.

"I promise."

Pools of Emerald (frostiron fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon