UPDATE ch 14 (t.w. Alcohol and drug use)

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The next few days went by in a blur. The hours in a single day seemed to drag on forever. For Loki, he didn't quite feel sad, or angry or even hurt; he just felt completely numb. A pitch black nothingness. Even his pounding head couldn't phase him anymore. The smell of whiskey hung around in the air; he had slowly become immune to it though as one hour at some dingy bar had turned into five. That is, until he would get kicked out and had to find some other shitty bar to let him in, clearly intoxicated. He got so used to being kicked out, he would let himself out before bouncers and security had to escort him. "Alright dude you're cut off, I'd suggest making sure you have a ride and get home." Loki scoffed and rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure." His words slurred slowly and his glassy eyes slowly panned the bar top. He didn't have anything in his possession except a nearly empty wallet and a pack of Camels some woman had left behind. He remembered her fuzzy leopard jacket, and that she tasted like amaretto. Couldn't get any tackier. He didn't even remember his conversation with her, but then her tongue was down his throat. Funny thing is, he didn't even care. Loki grabbed the cigarettes and slumped off the bar stool ready to make his way out. Swaying, he finally got outside and a crisp breeze made him slightly light headed. He shakily pulled a cigarette out and searched for a lighter. "Hmmm fuck." He sputtered.

"Here babe." Another scantily dressed woman held her lighter out and lit it for him. Loki sharply inhaled, "mm thanks." She laughed and lit her own cigarette. Once the world got a little less shaky, Loki looked her up and down. She was beautiful, or in his drunken stupor he seemed to think. Long spidery lashes grazed her eyebrows as she furrowed them at him.

"What?" She cocked her head slightly.
"You're fucking beautiful." His hand brushed her fiery locks of hair. She slightly recoiled at his touch. She almost told him to fuck off, but the more she looked at him, the more innocent he felt to her. "Thanks." She wasn't sure what else to say. The wind picked up a bit and she shivered slightly. Even as intoxicated as Loki was, he still knew how to charm people. He pulled his jacket off and tried to cover her, but managed to make a mess out of that too. She chuckled again, "I got it, thanks."

He nodded in approval. "What's your name Dear," he inquired taking a drag of his smoke.

"Celeste" she seemed to drag it out a little. She waited for a response from him, but sighed when she got nothing. "And yours is...?" He got closer to her and gently put a hand behind her waist after flicking his cigarette into the street. He leaned next to her ear and almost in a whisper "Loki." She shivered at his touch. She couldn't help but feel intrigued by the handsome, yet intimidating stranger. She nuzzled into him, which normally she wouldn't do. But she felt a sense of peace near him. He grabbed her arm and sat on the cold bench nearby. She quickly snuggled into him and noticed how cold he was. "Whoa you're freezing..." she trailed off

Choking back nausea he smiled "I'm fine don't worry about it Dear. Can't feel a thing." He pulled her even closer. They sat in what felt like a never ending silence. Sirens could be heard vastly in the distance, and other intoxicated footsteps could too. Celeste pulled a little vial out of her bra and after looking around a second, pulled out the end and sniffed. A sharp breath escaped her. Without even asking she placed it underneath Loki's nostril, and as if habit he did the same. Euphoria immediately swam through his mind. Celeste pulled her knees up to her chest and rested her head on his shoulder. He curled her in closer to him and kept his arm wrapped around her. Instinctively kissing her forehead turned into a sloppy alcohol and cocaine induced make out. After things started getting heavy, she jerked up and hailed the next taxi she saw. Once one stopped, she grabbed Loki's hand. He followed her and hopped in the back of the taxi without even looking back.

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