Writing is hard

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Henry sat in a chair at the kitchen table in the loft, a note book open and he's chewing on his pen. Man, if he knew this was so hard he would have never done this. So, if you don't know what I'm talking about, I'll explain it to you.

Henry wanted to write a Fan-Fiction, but as he opened the note book and took his pen to write something down, he didn't know what.

He totally forgot to plan this.

He scratched his ear as he thought.
'Okay, maybe this: a girl meets a werewolf but she doesn't know that he is a werewolf so he hides it and in the end she finds out and they fight. No, this is dumb. Okay, ehhm. What about this: a vampire kills a girl and in the end they fall in love. . . Wow, I didn't know I was so bad at this.'

At this moment, his mom Emma, came through the door and rushed over to the table to grab her keys.

"Hey Henry, what are you doing?" He greeted her back and lay his pen on the table.

"I'm trying to write a Fan-Fiction but I just realized that this is harder than I thought. I should have really planned this." Emma smiled at him and looked at the blank paper.

"Well, maybe I can help you. Don't you know how to write it or. . ." But Henry cut her off.

"I don't know what to write about." Emma's only answer was an 'ohhhh'.

"Well, just something. I don't really know what. Ehm, I have to go back to the station maybe Killian can help you when he gets back from the docks. He is really good at this." She kissed his head before she left the loft.

Henry looked down at the paper and an idea shot in his head, and he couldn't help but smile at that.

He wrote some notes for his fan-fiction:
• a girl and mean boy meet
• hate each other at the beginning
• fight side by side against monsters and evil creatures
• slowly fall in love

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