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Request by @captainswan554 : Could you do a fanfiction where Killian's being controlled (like by his heart or something) and he has to kill Emma or something

I'm so sorry it's so late! I hope you can forgive me! ;)


"I told you a long time ago, pirate, I am more powerful than you. You can't win." Rumple said and looked down at the heart in his hand.

Killian looked up and gritt his teeth."Why are you doing this?"

"Villains don't get happy endings. I lost my chance with Belle because of all of you and this is my revenge."

Rumple lifted his heart and looked at it with interest."I'm surprised, Captain. No black spots."

His blue eyes flashed with anger and he clenched his fists.


"And now be a good Captain and do as I say."


Emma stood outside of Granny's, waiting for Killian. He promised her a date because today was their one year anniversery.

She wore a short navy blue dress with long lace sleeves and her curls flowed down her back. And maybe after dinner they could go back to their house and do some pillaging and plundering? They had the house to themselves because Henry was staying at Regina's

She looked up from her phone and saw Killian walking towards her, a nervous look on his face.

"Relax ,Captain, we wouldn't want her to find out so soon, now would we?"

"Hey, you okay?," Emma asked, kissing his cheek. Killian looked away briefly and put on his best fake smile

"'Course ,love, everythings perfect." He kissed her cheek and they walked into the diner. She knew he would tell her when he's ready.

After all they had a lovely evening together, talking about Henry and flirting until Granny told them to stop because, well it was a family diner after all.

But sometimes it seemes like Killian wasn't even listening to her; he looked like he was deep in thought as if something was bothering him.

After they payed and stepped out of the diner, walking along the sidewalk and holding hands, Emma glanced sideways at him and saw the frown on his face.

"Hey, what's up with you? You were so quiet the whole evening: Normally you talk all the time." They stopped and she cupped his cheek, looking deep into his blue eyes.

"I-," he stopped short, holding his chest in pain.

"Don't ruin it ,Captain."

He grunted and his jaw tightened, squeezing Emma's hand to the point of pain.

"Killian please tell me what's wrong. Are you in pain?" He took some deep breaths and just gave her a tight smile.

"Everything's alright swan. It's just-", he stopped short.

"Captain, stay focused. We don't want to hurt her, do we?"

"Emma please, the crocodile-", he fell to hurt knees, the was just too much. Emma didn't know what do to. It was so confusing.

"What does Gold have to do with anything?" She took his hand and placed the other over his chest, trying to calm him.

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