Chapter One

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Chapter One:

Third Person POV

"Xynie, are you done?" Xyla spoked through the device that was attached to her ear. When she felt a presence behind her, she quickly did a roundhouse kick, hitting the poor guy's head and smashing his skull to the hard cement using her foot.

"Yup. The faggots are not breathing anymore. We're currently in the Control Room. Xarina's currently hacking the main system and inputting the data in the flash drive." The other line answered. "Why the fuck are you still alive?!" She heard Xynie shout. The sickening crack of his skull as it hit the wall can practically be heard through the device.

"Okay. How about the others?" She asked while calmly walking towards the twins' location.

Xynie sat on a sofa while quietly watching her sister hack into the system. "Xerine's with Xena at the second floor since the vault containing the money is there. But I don't know about Leader, probably brutally killing people." she answered.

Xyla was about to answer when she saw Xyzha calmly walking down the hallway. She was covered in blood but Xyla was pretty sure that it wasn't hers. 'Pssh. Xynie was right. She probably let her violent side take over her. Typical.' she said in her mind.

"Leader!" She called her.

Xyzha looked at her direction. She raised a perfectly drawn brow at Xyla. "What the hell do you want?"

Xyla shook her head. "Do you always have to be bitchy? Aish. What happened to you? You look like you just took a bath with blood! You ruined your outfit. Anyway, where are going? Xarina and Xynie are in the Control Room."

"Do I look like I care if they're there? Whatever, I'll wait at the van. Tell them to make it fast. My body feels sticky." She complained while making her way towards the entrance.

Xyla rolled her eyes at her. "If you weren't so violent, maybe you wouldn't be feeling like that." She mummbled while looking at the victims of their leader's craziness.

Others got their heads separated from their bodies, eyes gauge out of their eyeballs, their limbs cut off from their bodies, and some even had holes in their stomachs. "Eww." she shuddered at the sight, and entered the Contol Room.

Right after she entered the room, Xarina finished her task. "I'm done. Where's Xerine?" She asked while wiping the blood of her glasses that she obtained while engaging in a fight a while ago.

"Probably still upstairs. Let's just wait for them at the van. Keader's already there." She said while checking if she broke any of her perfectly filed and painted nails while she was in a fight a while ago.

"Okay." The twins said in unison while making their way out of the Control Room. Exactly when they got out, they saw Xerine and Xena going down the stairs carrying bags full of money.

"Sis!" Xarina called Xerine.

"Hey~ Where's Xyzha?" Xerine asked. Xena followed right behind her.

"She's already in the van. Xena, what are you holding?" Xarina asked while looking at the book being held by the green haired girl's hands.

"Oh, this? A recipe book. I found it in one of the rooms here." She said. They were starting to reach the end of the hallway.

When they reached the van, they saw Xyzha sitting on the front seat, waiting for them. "Did you install the bombs?" She immediately asked them.

"Yup. Right at the center of the vault. Just as you instructed Leader." Xerine responded with a smile. Xyzha smiled back at her. "Good. Let's go."

They all entered the van and took their seats. Xerine went to the driver's seat and started driving away. "Xarina, those bombs were voice-activitated right?" She asked her sister.

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