Chapter Three

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Chapter Three:

Xerine's POV

"You can't catch me!" The little boy shouted towards me in a teasing voice. He was about eight or seven years old. His blonde hair was being blown side ways by the wind as he ran, waving a blue notebook.

"Hey! Give that back to me!" I shouted at him. He just laughed and continued running.

"Don't be a wimp. Catch me first!" I was getting a bit worried since he was nearing one of the busy streets of this city. Wherever the hell we may be.

"Come back here-"

Suddenly, a loud screech enveloped the air, followed by an extremely audible crash.


I jolted up from my bed, sweating buckets. My heart was beating really fast and my whole body was shaking. I touched my face and noticed that my cheek was wet. Was I crying? What the hell is up with that dream? Who was that kid? Was it just created by my imagination? Whatever. What time is it, anyway?

I looked at the wall clock hanged against the wall which was painted with blue and streaks of white. I squinted my eyes, trying to make out the tiny numbers in the dark. I should probably just go back to sleep. I closed my eyes, and in a matter of seconds, I drifted back to dreamland.

"Hey, sis. Wake up." Who the hell is this bitch that dared to interupt my peaceful slumber?

"You don't wanna wake up? Okay. Fine. Have it your way." Thank God she stopped naggi-

I jolted up when I felt an electric current course through my system.

"Xynie! Did you just electricute me?!" What the hell is up with this bitch?!

"You wouldn't wake up! Just go take a bath. Tita Fynah said today's our first day in school." She said while rolling her eyes at me. I scoffed. That kid, really.

But what did she say? First day of school? Oh. I remember now. Sir Xander enrolled us in Corvette Academy. Wow. We just got here yesterday and now we're already starting our mission. Oh well, we didn't really come here to have a vacation. I throwed the covers off of me and made my way towards the bathroom.

When I finished taking a bath, a big blue rectangular box was lying on my bef. I cautiously opened it. You never know if something's safe or not. So it's best to be careful.

Oh. My things for school. I've got to say, the uniform's pretty cool. White long sleeves polo, black pleated skirt that reached 3 inches above the knee, knee high socks, and a black necktie with Corvette Academy's logo. There were also books and other things inside the box.

I looked at the clock and noticed that it was almost time for us to go, so i changef quickly. I folded the sleeves up to my elbows and loosen my necktie. I straightened my hair and wore my black vans. I hurriedly packed my things in a white backpack. I stood in front of the full length mirror in my room and grinned. Good to go.

I went down the flight of stairs to eat breakfast. Oh. They're all here. I laughed as I noticed that the way we wore our uniforms were the same. As they say, 'Great minds think alike.'

"Mornin' guys." I greeted them and sat between my sisters. They greeted me back and we started to eat breakfast.

After eating, Aunt Fynah gave each of us homemade packed lunches. We thanked her and went to the garage.

"Guys, why don't we use our own cars today?" Xarina suggested. Tch. If I know, she just wants to show off her Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Super Sport to the whole school. Psh. My SSC Ultimate Aero is a hundred folds better than that.

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