An intro to random zodiacs.

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Aries: the girl next door with the heart of a lion. You can hear beats pumping up from her room at 11 in the night.
Fun to be with once you get to know her but sometimes hard to approach.
Likes to be daring and have a little fun sometimes.
HATES people who befriend her to tame her.

Taurus: She's the one who seems like a normal neighbour.
With a common understanding and a nice mood she seems quite nice.
When you meet her during dinners or galas is when things go wrong.
Don't get me wrong she's really nice. She's got everyone's vest interests at heart.
Except hers. You can't help but feel she doesn't do much for herself.

Gemini: the perky neighbour is a perfect mix of class and fun.
She can be really talkative and overall a social butterfly.
She can mix and blend with all kinds of people and doesn't mind the company of others.
She is understanding and caring and would do nearly anything for her friends.
She keeps most of her secrets to herself though.

Cancer: she's the sensitive and sympathetic girl down the street.
She flits from enjoying time with a small handful of people to hanging out alone.
She understands people well and is kind and loving.
She is a traditionalist and also enjoys the concept of history and the beginning of time.
During sad situations you always find her as a friend to go to.

Leo: she's the quirky girl around town and everyone knows her name.
She's a natural born leader and has pride in it.
She can fill the gaps in with sarcasm and spill in jokes to lift the mood.
She can be bossy at times but excuse her!
Everyone has a moment when they depend on her to make them feel a little better.

Virgo: she's the girl everyone likes to talk to. She doesn't ask for the centre of attention,
She gets it.
She is analytical and self serving. She can be stubborn but she has a reason.
She can be sweet or sour but overall she's really nice.
She loves to organise and an untidy place can make her uneasy.

Libra: she's all about the honesty and justice and balance.
She tries to get everything under control using harmony and truth.
Even though she is highly intelligent and wise, she may go to the extremes to bring happiness to others
Resulting in her unhappiness.
Her main feeling is shyness and can seem not to get out of her shell.

Scorpio: she's the girl who gets misunderstood so often.
She might come out as a sad and self centred person but she Isn't.
She is a vision of confidence and boldness but doesn't seem to show it.
She is strong and determined and can take a challenge head on.

Sagittarius: she has the ability to focus and can be sometimes intense.
She is impatient and cannot stand late results.
This can prove to be a nuisance but they don't let it bring them down.
They have a will power of a lion and are super social.
They make awesome friends and family.
They are friendly to be around.

Capricorn: she is one of the wise and intelligent people around.
She has high stability and sensibility and she understands the situation easily.
She may seem rigid but she's not used to everything.
She likes to take the weight of everything on her shoulders and doesn't share the load.

Aquarius: simple yet an assuming she is mind blowing.
You might see acids bubbling up from her household as she experiments in the bathrooms.
She can spend hours on the Internet and eat a whole lot.
She can be super creative and is a great thinker and inventor.
She  spends a lot of time thinking too.

Pisces: also unassuming, people tend to take her in the wrong way.
Seeming like a fickle child, she looks like a porcelain doll, about go shatter.
In truth, she is determined, strong and a true fighter.
She is also generous and kind and loves fun jokes and games.

AN: guys I am so sorry but I cannot describe guys zodiacs cuz I don't know that much about them.
For guys, the description should be nearly the same with maybe minor changes. Sorry again :)

Hilarious ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora