Zodiacs and exams

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This is for all the ppl with exams coming up!

Pisces: OMG exams, umm umm where are unicorns born?!! Is that a question?
Capricorn: ok come on myself. I can do this. Studying for 8 hours. No biggie. {result: A+}
Aquarius: meh.
Gemini: hurrah! This means one step closer to hols ryt?!
Taurus: yo imma study.
Aries: no one gives a poop about studying yo! Lemme just go dunk some pasta on mah neighbour...
Leo: wait for me ariessssss!! {Capricorn: come back here!!}
Scorpio: ryt soooo.... Well don't matter bout my rep. (Reputation) I don't mind studying after all.
Sagittarius: well said Aqua. Well said.
Libra: where'd my textbooks go?! Moooooommm!!!!
Virgo: I swear I am honestly gonna get a C. Imma fail! {result: A+}
Cancer: OMG me too Virgo! {result: (do u have to ask?) A+}

Hey guys if you think anything is worth mentioning or I need to add on please tell me!
I know my exams are going on but I decide to give one surprise update.

Hilarious ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora