Signs sleeping over. Part 1

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This is somewhat like a one shot sooooo ya!

Aries: Ok ok peeps! Sleepover time gals!
Libra: I wonder what we should do....
Pisces: ya maybe we shou-
Gemini: EAT! Yes eat! Good idea.
Pisces: no I meant-
Capricorn: finish our homework of course. Tomorrow is the submission. (Eats pizza)
Cancer: well we could alway-
Scorpio: we should watch a horror movie...
Aquarius and Sagittarius: totes!!!
Aquarius: like we could watch the haunting in Connecticut or or...
Sagittarius: or Texas chainsaw massacre!!! Yeaaah!
Leo: or even the exorcist!!!!
Taurus: how bout that other scary movie?? Finding Nemo? (Awkward silence) Jk guys...
(Everyone laughs)
Capricorn: we could watch saw.
Gemini: can't we just paint our nails like normal girls?
Cancer: yeah! And watch freaky Friday or something.
Pisces: and eat caramelised popcorn!
Aries: yeah me starting to like this!!
Aquarius, Capricorn, Scorpio, Leo, Taurus: NO!!
Aquarius: we can watch E.T
Everyone: Kay.
(After movie)
Aries: guys do you hear that sound from the yard?
Taurus: no... This is your house libra can you check?
Libra: not in this life or the next. Don't you know? Whenever in a haunted place, you go check for the ghosts, you die or get slowly and brutally murdered by a chainsaw!
Aquarius: this is like paranormal activity!!!
Cancer: ooooh exciting.
Capricorn p: no this is lame.
Scorpio: no this stuff is starting to freak me out.
Leo: yeah I'm getting the goosebumps.
Sagittarius: I'm actually not scared of this so imma go check.
Cancer: wait a second. Where's Virgo?
Pisces: ya she walked into the house with me. Then she never said a word. I thought she was just keeping quiet but now I realised that she isn't here!!
Leo: Kay I'm coming with you sagi.
Capricorn: if you don't come in 15 mins we all coming to look for you.

(17 mins later)

Libra:   They aren't back.
Aquarius: ok this is going from paranormal activity to final destination.
Aries: we've gotta go look! They could've... D-d-
Scorpio: ( sarcastically) gasp! Do you mean die?! Highly unlikely.
Cancer: guys we've gotta go check.
Capricorn: my assignment is due. By the way the time is 1:45 am Aquarius.
Aquarius: count me out guys. My fav tv show starts now. It's called paranorman.
Gemini: but no! You can't go Aqua! Without you we cannot speak extra terrestrial language!
Taurus: of bargain to get the three of them back!
Aquarius: oh ok! Let's do some paranormal activity!!!

To be continued....

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