Zodiacs and their bday cakes Zodiacs and their bday cakes

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Hey guys! It's been a while since I last uploaded. I am soooo glad. 111 views!
Did u guys really like it?
I hope so! For being such respectable and kind ppl, I will be giving a list on zodiac bday cakes!

1. Capricorn:  some kinda fandom cake (Percy Jackson, Harry Potter etc etc)
2. Aquarius: probably an E.T cake or something. Go Go team Extra Terrestrial!
3. Pisces: some cute cake maaaan
4. Leo: a cake saying possessive much?
5. Libra: some cake with a quote. Like patience is the key to success or something.
6. Virgo: a cutie cake. Like Pisces :)
7. Sagittarius: probably a cake filled with hilarious puns or something. IDK.
8. Gemini: a cake crammed with so many pics, no one knows what's on it.
9. Aries: a cake filled with anime characters bombing the White House down. (Joke okay!??)
10. Scorpio: 2 words. Emo and cake. (Jk)
11. Taurus: i don't even know man.
12. Cancer: something super sweet. (Depends on person :))

Thanks for reading guys!!!
I'm sorry but I can't update for a little more. Final exams.
They end on 23 of March tho. So don't worry guyzzz
More coming up.

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