The Sleepover part 2

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Btw I just went for dat pic cuz this chapter is cray cray.
It makes very little sense so please try to read it.

The long awaited part 2!!!

Last time on sleepover: Aqua: let's do some paranormal activity!

The group ventured forward. It consisted of:
Aqua, cancer, Gemini, libra, Aries, Taurus, Scorpio, Pisces and Virgo.

Gemini: libra! Lead the way.
Libra: Kay...
Aqua: ok but to find them we're gonna need some "supplies".
Scorpio: (suspiciously) what "supplies"
Aqua: (ignores) alright so Gemini can you get a torch? Cancer, some baby powder; libra, a bird feather. I know you collect. Aries,Taurus, grab some of my secret creation which I stored here.
Aries: what creation?
Taurus: I'll show you.

Aqua: Virgo, Pisces and Scorpio go grab libra's talisman from her room. The keychain one. And I'll get the orange powder.
Cancer: Kay guys! Spread!
Scorpio: this is getting lame...
Aqua: no! It's becoming like Paranorman! It's awesome!

(Everyone piles up in the hall)
Taurus: Kay guys lets go.
AAAAH! (Someone screams)
Scorpio: Whaat?!!
Cancer: look it's Virgo!!!

Virgo, sagi and Leo were lying down unmoving...
Gemini: are they-
Libra: dead??!!!
Virgo: (gets up) no we're just tired.
Pisces: we thought you were dead!!!!
Virgo: (with class) no! Im more alive than all living things combined.
Aries: Virgo! Too much 4 u! You're acting so different!
Virgo: Tch. Well then, hello from the other side.
Aqua: ooooh BURN!
Gemini: Leo sagi you guys okay????


and to this day, no one knows what happened to the three of em.

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I have written many more stories so read them too if you have time! :3

Hilarious ZodiacsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora