"Aha, Thanks Ivan..."

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Hey guys! So this is technically my first fan fiction of anything that I'm actually publishing, so yes of course all grammatical errors and/or any other errors are mine. This is a random fanfic I decided to write at 2 'o clock in the morning for my best friend, love you XD Anyways, I hope you enjoy this, and of course comments and feedback will but much if not overly appreciated.


Alfred sat motionless for the past twenty minutes without anyone noticing him. Except for the only person that would in fact be staring at him all of class

Ivan's icy purple eyes locked on the American just two rows in front of him, sleeping soundly on the history textbook they had been reading from since the beginning of class. Alfred's face was almost guaranteed to be stuck to the Revolutionary War page starting on 563, even though they were now on page 575.

He chuckled staring down at the sleeping Alfred trying his best not to subtly scooch closer, maybe even right next to him if he had enough courage. But he already felt creepy staring from way back where Alfred wouldn't notice. Let alone right next to him. His soft breathing, or snoring rather, was even audible from the row Ivan was in.

"So, if Mr. Jones would like to answer the question?" The professor stared angrily up through the rows like he wanted to be sure everyone knew how mad he was to be disrupted. Ivan's face grew worried as Alfred wouldn't wake up. How awful would it be if the poor boy woke up to this kind of embarrassment? The violet eyed Russian wasn't about to let that happen as he scrawled the answer down on a sheet of notebook paper he so poorly ripped out, crumpled it into a little ball, and threw it as hard as he could at the American.

Alfred's eyes snapped open, his cheek bright pink from where he'd laid his head on the textbook. He looked around, confused for a minute until he noticed the paper wad with dark ink on it. He carefully unfolded it and took a hard look.

"1776." Alfred blurted out with confusion and stress lining his tone.

"Correct. Thank you very much Braginski, maybe you can keep the class alert or at the very least awake." The professor emphasised, glaring with cold blue eyes at America who shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He turned around and winked at Ivan like he'd just saved his life. Which he had but I guess in a less dramatic way.

Ivan could feel it. The Russian could actually feel his cold and icy heart skip a beat in his chest. The second the boy's sparkling violet eyes met the other's crystal clear sky blue ones he checked his wrist, his neck, and his chest because he was pretty sure that by now he'd flatlined.

The bell rung and the professor sighed, setting down any kind of materials he had. He was yelling things at the countries who flooded out the doorway like the upcoming assignments and homeworks that were due.

America got up from his seat and Ivan could basically feel the sweat dripping from his hands as the American walked closer. He hoped the boy was going to see one of his football friends, behind him perhaps, until he realized that none of his other sports team buddies were in this class. The Russian pulled his scarf up a tiny bit trying to subtly cover up as much of his blushing face as he could.

"1776. Thanks man, you saved my ass back there." Alfred chuckled deep in his chest which made for quite a low laugh considering his genuinely higher voice. He stuck out his hand watching Russia eye him confusingly. Which he returned. He raised his eyebrows looking down at his hand before speaking up, "Just a shake, dude?"

America smiled seeing the relief wash over Ivan's face as he took Ivan's hand. "Don't mention it. I could basically feel the tension choking me more than my scarf was. So I'm sure it would have been worse for you." Russia laughed, shoving his hand back in his pocket.

"Hey, you know," Alfred started, looking anywhere but Russia's face. "Since you're pretty cool, mind letting me sit next to you tomorrow? I just happened to notice that ya got an empty seat next to you. I'm sure a hero could fill that seat pretty nicely." He chuckled again, deep in his chest but this time higher pitched. More fitting to his voice.

Nope. Nope, reality doesn't exist anymore. Because Russia could have sworn he heard Alfred F. Jones say

"So what'll it be dude? Can I sit next to ya?" America had this big goofy grin that would make even the hardass professor laugh, which meant the only answer he could give the American was "Of course. That'd be great, just make sure you don't fall asleep again."

Shit wrong move. The Russian scolded himself mentally as he saw a bright pink glow rising to America's cheeks.

"Aha, yeah sorry about that." No don't apologize...please? It's not your fault.

"So! I'll see you tomorrow then?" America smirked again, clapping his hand on Ivan's shoulder even though he somewhat had to reach up, being that Ivan was definitely taller than him. Ivan nodded, and that was the last of their conversation before Alfred grabbed his American flag backpack and exited the room.

So much on Ivan's mind now. Much more than before when all he had to think about was not getting caught by Alfred for staring.

Things were about to get interesting.

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