"You bet your ass bro."

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Hiya! I'm back! It was such a long wait and I'm so sorry but I'm here and ready to write. Thank you to everyone who stayed to read~! I love all of you so much and I can't tell you how honored I am to have so many reads and so many wonderful comments. Without further ado, here's the next chapter!


When the Russian woke up, he felt something soft. If he tilted his head down a little further however, his lips were met with something even softer.

Violet eyes snapped open only to find he'd been snuggling the world's softest blue blanket. He let out a soft groan, feeling awkward having slept in his clothes. Ivan noticed he was in an odd room. It, it looked similar but it just wasn't his own. What he didn't see however was a lively blonde American boy humming or even awfully singing a new song that had just come out. Alfred was a sucker for new music, especially if it wasn't popular yet.

Ivan got up and looked around, feeling an odd sense of loneliness. Alfred couldn't have left right? Why would he? I mean, they hadn't even known each other that long but could it be that Alfred did in fact feel that comfortable to just leave him there?

No way.

As the country looked around the rather small dorm looking for a note, a text, anything, he heard pounding footsteps and a sad attempt at opening the door. Ivan chuckled softly as he heard the familiar voice followed by a string of swearing and finally a slam to the door in which sounded like he used his own body as a battering ram.

The door opened with a pop and a blue eyed American followed with a struggle. As he tripped over his own feet Ivan sprung into action and caught him, looking down with a certain confused look. On the verge of bursting into a fit of laughter at the American's expense, Alfred silenced him with a single finger holding up a plastic bag filled to the top with various foods and drinks.

What did the Russian expect? Exactly.

"So, the reason for you being gone is," Ivan chose his words carefully. He was actually two seconds away from snorting and that's an understatement. "Food, da?" He helped Alfred to stand back up loving the expression change on his face. This was definitely a face he'd never get tired of.

With a grin, the blonde boy smiled. "You bet your ass bro." They both laughed, simply enjoying each other's company.

When the violet eyed Russian opened his eyes again to find his composure, he heart stopped. It just, stopped. The sun in the window hit his golden hair perfectly, his smile fitting to his face and his face alone, pinprick tears forming in his eyes from laughing just a little too hard. The way his lips curled from his teeth to form the most breathtaking grin, his laugh and the way it sounded genuine.

That's when it hit him. Ivan was the cause of someone's happiness.

The reason Alfred F. Jones, the star football player, he was in his dorm, making him laugh. It was a feeling that was strong to him. No one else would understand but he knew. Ivan knew why this meant so much to him. Why something everyone did at some point or another made him really feel something internally.

When Alfred opened his crystal blue eyes again it only added to the internal struggle of not pressing the American against a wall and kissing him until he couldn't breathe.

He would refrain.

Ivan helped him put away the things he'd gotten, and maybe snuck a granola bar or two into his pockets, but he helped nonetheless. Come on, did you really think he was gonna actually do his job right?

A little while later, they found themselves quietly drinking coffee and orange juice, furiously slamming down a box and a half of doughnuts. Needless to say, Ivan developed a deep connection and undying love for pink frosted doughnuts. Thanks Alfred.

As if to prove just how childlike the American was, his eyes lit up and widened, gaining the Russian's full attention.

"Dude! Oh my god, I totally forgot but like what are you doing for the fourth of July? Like are you gonna see family or something or..." Alfred watched closely as the attention on his friend's face changed to mock him, rolling his violet eyes.

"I guess I don't have any plans. To be perfectly honest Мишка, I don't think I've ever celebrated it.." Ivan replied, chuckling lightly and expecting fully to be scolded in the grandest of ways. He was utterly surprised when Alfred sincerely asked him to join him.

"I'm not really gonna be doing anything y'know. Just some stuff by myself. My older brother says it's a waste of time to be celebrating something like that, but hey it's fun!" His blue eyes sparkled slightly, showing his pleasure of simply speaking. Ivan couldn't quite understand his enthusiasm but he nodded all the while.

The conversations between them slowly died down, the two of them eating poptarts and sipping down dangerous amounts of orange juice to accommodate for how dry the poptarts were.

"So," Alfred began as they were drawing to the end of their little breakfast get together. "My friends and I are gonna hang out later tonight...you wanna come?"

Ivan scoffed internally. All he wanted was to spend time with the American but, not his friends. He wasn't a friend person to say the least. He didn't hang out with people, or go out. Normally the Russian would stay in his room with the company of music and books. Before he could even answer his lips were moving,


Damn it. Why would he agree to such a thing? What did people do late at night? Was he going to get in trouble? Would he be put in an awkward situation? He was getting more questions than answers here.

His sweaty hand gripped the door handle, as Alfred spoke once more.

"Come back here, 7:30. I'll be waiting." The American flashed a wink, a cute one, one that made his heart flutter. He thought it would beat right out of his chest. Ivan came to a conclusion. Alfred was screwing with him and that was that.

The Russian closed the door, and made his way quickly back to his own dorm.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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