"See you tomorrow, dude."

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Why hello there again! Heres another part to this story and so far I don't really have a schedule, however I will try to make the dates for posting as close together as possible meaning I hope I'll be at least able to post a part or two per week. Anyways I can't wait to see what you all think of this story and of course comments and feedback are always much appreciated!


Ivan could feel himself sweating again. His hands, cheeks, neck, and even his feet felt like they were burning. Yet, all the while the American next to him watched the professor speaking in front of them like he hadn't a care in the world.

But that tapping.

The incessant, ceaseless, interminable fucking tapping of Alfred's pencil on the table drove him nuts. If he hadn't been head over heels for this boy, he'd be in the nurse's office with a broken nose by now. However it was inevitable that he would basically obsess over the school's football player.

The American's blue eyes seemed to almost fade when he was bored. Like all the pellucid blue that could brighten anyone's day was just drained from his eyes.

"Hey.." Alfred stopped the pencil tapping that had gone on for a solid fifteen minutes at least.

Ivan looked at Alfred through his peripheral vision until he was sure the professor wasn't looking. "What is it?" He mumbled, being the grade A student he was, Ivan was not about to get in trouble for talking during class.

"I'm bored." Was all that escaped the blonde's lips before he chuckled and slid back over to his seat. Which in fact, Alfred had kept his promise and sat right beside Ivan in the empty seat.

The Russian couldn't tell if he wanted to move farther away, or closer. Maybe he wouldn't mind pressing himself right up against the American all through class. But he also might not mind staring at him from afar. Aka a seat a couple rows up and a few seats over just so he could catch every fine detail every small aspect of Alfred whenever he turned his face slightly.

Ivan withdrew from being ever so cocky and replying with a "Is that really all you wanted to tell me?" But even Ivan knew he didn't have the guts for that.

So instead he chuckled as well, crossing his arms and looking sideways at the American.

"Hey," Alfred started again, but this time he didn't wait for the Russian to answer. "We should totally hang out sometime." A big grin crossed his face as he spoke, his hands out in front of him emphasising how cool this idea was. He was down low to the table, and his eyes shifted from the Russian to back out in front of him a few times- which was practically Ivan's new weakness.

Seeing him this happy, made Ivan that much happier.

"We could like go for burgers or something. Then maybe like...well I don't know but hey we'll figure something out right. Or maybe do you not like burgers? 'Cause if you don't we could totally go somewhere else. I mean you don't really strike me as a burgers guy but maybe you're really into them." Alfred smiled again. That wonderful, magnificent, sublime smile that made Ivan feel all tingly inside.

"Or! Or we could play video games. But I'm still down for burgers like I said, if you're okay with that."

Shut up. That's all Ivan wanted to do at this point. Was lean over to his side where the American sat, slouching, and shut him up with his lips. Yet he refrained.

"I'd love to." The Russian responded with a smile, earning an even bigger smile from Alfred.

A long period of time went passed when the only thing the two did, was stare blankly at the professor. Even Ivan the study fiend ended up slouching in his seat, pulling his scarf over his nose and letting his eyes fall from time to time.

It wasn't until the professor mentioned something about an essay, that Ivan perked up. It seemed as though the colorfulness in Alfred's eyes had been revived yet he still looked bored, as if the idea of an essay scared him.

The Russian began writing immediately not wanting to waste a second of the remaining class time. He wrote so quickly and honestly quite viciously that when he threw his eraser down, it rolled over to the American's hand.

"Ah, sorry about that." Russia muttered reaching over to grab the eraser from Alfred's hand, though his face was turned. Not because he was embarrassed, but because he was too busy rereading his first paragraph. He fumbled to meet Alfred's hand to grab it but when he did, he looked back with slightly widened violet eyes.

Shit, absolute 100% complete shit.

He'd held his hand there too long. But no that wasn't even the worst part.

When he'd finally taken the eraser he practically snatched it away from Alfred making it completely obvious that their hand touching had been definitely taken to heart by the one and only Ivan.

"Not a problem dude!" The American smiled, responding to Ivan's earlier apology. And that was the best part. It seemed like the blonde hadn't even noticed.

It was only a few minutes later until the bell rang, and Alfred jumped from his seat with half a paragraph on his essay while Ivan had written close to a page and a half. The Russian collected his things, and carefully watched the blue eyed boy stuff his papers and books into his bag.

"Well this was fun. Sitting next to you and all. Lemme sit here tomorrow 'kay?" Alfred chuckled holding his hand up in the air for a high five. Once the gesture was returned he smiled that big goofy smile.

"See ya tomorrow dude!" The American waved once he took a step from the rows and into the aisle between the tables.

"Of course," Ivan smiled watching him finally leave the classroom.

"See you tomorrow, dude." He repeated, stepping into the aisle himself and walking out of the classroom.

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