"Alright then, Braginski, it's on!"

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Hey everyone! I'm so sorry I took so long to update this chapter, and in my opinion it's not even that good! Long story short I'm not really pleased with how this came out at all. Mainly because I'm not really great at describing cute little moments. I can visualize the cutest scenarios but can't write them. Oh well *le sigh*. At least I tried! Well anyways, I hope you like this chapter, and as always comments and feedback are always very appreciated.


What in Ivan's never-ending life did he do to deserve this? The country sat across from the blonde simply taking in every little fine detail of him. From the way he over exaggerated his expressions when he told stories, to the way his voice got all soft and happy when he spoke, to just the simplicity and joy of his sparkling white smile. But the one thing that really got Ivan what his laughter.

Alfred had an odd way of laughing really; he'd close his eyes and the back of his hand over his mouth. It probably looked like he was coughing to some, but to Ivan his heart stopped enjoying the beauty of the boy.

It's only 12:56 P.M. but Alfred's happiness and excitement never slept.

Ivan takes no shame in staring at him a few times, watching him over the little table where they sat in a slightly crowded McDonald's on a Saturday morning, other people flooding through the doors because let's be honest, who doesn't love some fast food straight away in the morning. Yet he does this not so subtly. If Alfred looked up, he'd catch a half lidded Russian boy staring at him with the most dazed look as he devoured his second McCafe chocolate milkshake. Recommended by the one and only.

'So,' Ivan wondered still watching him contently, not paying attention to the weird and slightly uncomfortable slurping noise coming from the bottom of the plastic cup. 'This is what he's like outside of school. Just as lively and even more energetic than usual.' Ivan mentally laughed, thinking about how if he heard his name one more time by the American, he'd surely go cra-

"Ivan!" The Russian snapped back to what he was doing and looked around the small cafe upon realizing the wide eyed American looking directly into his glowing violet eyes.

"Geez man I totally thought you like, I dunno fell asleep. Or even died." Alfred chuckled clutching the same flavor of milkshake in his hand while throwing back his head in a more pronounced laughter. God Ivan would never tire of that. Alfred snapped his fingers in front of the Russian boy's face just to make sure he was still there.

"Got somethin' on your mind?" The American sat back in the vinyl booth seat resting his elbow on the table. As Ivan nodded, the self proclaimed hero somewhat lowered his voice and whispered, "Good. I should be the only thing on your mind right now." Followed by a toothy grin.

As if Ivan shouldn't take that to heart.

Alfred is barely a foot from him and oh god, his eyes are the most perfect shade of blue in the universe. They might be the universe, or at least hold its secrets.

There's a sudden urge deep down in Ivan's stomach that's making him sick; or maybe it's the burger Alfred had convinced him to try. But it's making him jumpy and nervous and shit he wants to lean over the table and grab ahold of the American's face and just kiss him.

But naturally he refrains. Thus making him grip the soft plastic bottle with the McDonald's logo on it, until his straw is almost pushed back out the top.

This feeling only goes away when the American's eyes shift back outside, the light hitting his blue eyes perfectly to highlight them even further and he speaks up. "So, like I suggested earlier," Alfred trailed off again like he did when he was trying to remember exactly what he wanted to say, "You wanna come back to my place for some hardcore gaming? Just gonna warn you now, I'm kind of the best when it comes to video games." Alfred leaning closer to the table, tilting his head downward and looking menacingly at the Russian boy.

God he was adorable.

"Well I accept your challenge fully, American." He copied the blond, trying not to burst out in laughter. "But do not underestimate me, comrade or I can assure you it will end in tragedy." Immediately Ivan put a gloved hand over his mouth trying to suppress the snorting laughter that was so soon to come.

Once the hero had discovered this, he too threw his head back in that adorable laughter Ivan so dearly cherished. The two of them sat squished in a booth sitting across from each other, totally blocking out the world.

Right now it was Ivan and Alfred. Alfred and Ivan.

Their time. Their time alone to be together, smacking their fists on the table in fits of laughter all so personalized to themselves, yet both feeling the same warm fuzzy feeling of being with a loved one. Nothing they did now could embarrass either of them.


It was getting to be late at night when they trudged back to Alfred's dorm room after a day of really screwing up, being wild, and the most dangerous of all, having fun.

Ivan plopped down on the floor resting his head against the world's most uncomfortable couch. On the contrary to what Alfred thought, he'd never call that thing 'comfy' or even 'cozy'. Not even being in the same room as the American football player could take his mind off that damn couch, and if that didn't say something, the Russian didn't know what would.

The blue eyed boy flopped down as well except directly onto said couch making Ivan's head nod a bit. The two of them groaned contentedly and decided that now, winding down with some video games would be the best option.

A static noise sounded through the room and a few flashes and- Super Smash Bros!

A game to end all relationships! That and Uno... God Ivan was so glad he didn't suggest Uno. He liked the way they were.

None the less the violet eyed boy caught the white little controller given to him and immediately they were off. In an instant the college students were busy picking their characters and choosing a color, putting in a name, all that good stuff.

Once Alfred had chosen Link, and Ivan had been at least contented with Robin they started the match.

"Listen man, I know I'm a pro at this game and everything so I'll take it easy on you. Just this once though. I understand you said you hadn't played this befor-" Alfred stopped and looked wide eyed as Link was sent flying across the map.

"Whoa dude!" The American yelled, looking utterly embarrassed and ashamed. Ivan on the other hand, was beaming quite profusely and shaking his controller up and down in a happy gesture.

"I'm learning, da!" His voice was so sweet. It was light and happy, something really only his sisters had heard, pure happiness. Alfred flushed a deep pink color, taking in this new side of Ivan. He leaned back against the couch lazily but let his excited attitude go to a whole new level. "Alright then Braginski, it's on." This new demeanor from the duo kept them going for a few good hours, until they finally crashed.

With Ivan still on the floor sitting in front of the couch, Alfred's arm hung over the side of it, his face pressed pretty hard into the fabric but, the Russian noticed he'd been shivering.

Well as any good friend would he retrieved a blanket and brought it back to where the American slept soundly. Ivan raised the nicely sized blanket into the air to unfold it, and draped it over him. Once he was almost finished tucking the blond in, Alfred grabbed his arm.

Ivan's icy heart raced feeling the American's warm hand against his skin. It's not that he minded the contact, oh no it was great. It gave him butterflies.

The part that he minded, was when Alfred started to drag him closer to him. If the Russian jerked even slightly he'd wake up, and right now he wasn't weighing his options correctly. He finally grasped his situation when he was pressed up against the couch with a sleeping blond boy in his arms, snoring gently and quietly. Alfred's arm came back, settling in his chest while he buried his own smaller body into Ivan's.

The violet eyed boy laid still, heart pounding loud enough to wake up the boy he figured, and just stared at him. There's no way he was getting up, or sliding out.

For the rest of the night, the Russian would be pressed against an American boy who didn't know any better, heart racing, cheeks ablaze. Or at least, until he wrapped his arm around him bringing him close, his chin resting on Alfred's head.

A Nerd and A Football Playerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें