I Could Never Leave Your Bed (Mike Fuentes)

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I knew I was dreaming but that didn’t mean that this hurt any less. His cruel laughter echoed around the room making my chest ache and that lump to form in my throat. He looked down at me with his brown eyes, I loved those eyes. They held so much pity in them and were now directed at me. And it hurt, because I loved him and he had faked it all to get what he wanted.

“Sammy,” that nickname that I loved so much when they rolled of his lips was now the dagger that was being thrusted further into my heart. “Honestly? You know me, we grew up together. You should know by now this is what I do.”

I couldn’t help the tears that escaped. I wanted so desperately to feign as if his actions or words did not hurt, but he was breaking me in every way possible. I was stupid, I realized he could never love me, yet I fell for those three stupid words anyway. I let things follow their course. He played me like a record, but in the end he left me broken and discarded.

“Mike,” I looked away from him, hating the way my voice trembled and broke. “I hate you.”

“Good, you should.” He said with a smile on his face as he walked away.

As I crumpled to the floor and letting the sobs wrack my body, I knew that I was lying, I couldn’t hate him, and that was what hurt the most. I knew this would happen, I knew he would never love me, but even when he hated and detested me, I still loved him. I was still in love with Mike Fuentes. 

I Could Never Leave Your Bed (Mike Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now