Chapter 18

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I didn’t really get any more information on what Mike was doing, because Vic slept through the whole plane ride, and my anger only intensified. By the time we got to their cabin by the beach I was seething, but I kept it hidden from Vic. I didn’t need him worrying about me too.

“I have to warn you,” Vic said stopping me at the door, “It’s not pretty.”

“I wouldn’t be here if it was.” I replied and Vic gave me a small nod. The door opened and I was pulled into two set of arms that made it almost impossible to breathe.

“Oh thank God, someone who can talk some sense into him.” Jaime’s voice reached my ears, and I felt his arms tighten around me.

“And it’s good to see you again, too.” Tony said his arms also tightening around me. I let out a noise telling them I couldn’t breathe and they both instantly let go giving me sympathetic glances. I wanted to laugh it off and tell them it was okay but they both looked terrible, almost as bad as Vic did.

“You guys are going to have to leave.” I told them with an edge in my voice, not because I was mad at them but because I was mad at Mike. “It’s best if I do this alone.” That and I didn’t want them to hear me snap at Mike because at this point I was ready to kill him for what he was doing to his friends. “Plus you guys look like you need a break.” I said which made them laugh the tiniest bit.

“Alright, he’s in there.” Vic said pointing to a closed door. “If you can’t talk some sense into him I don’t know who can. I know it’s a lot of pressure but I’m counting on you.”

I gave him a reassuring hug before I let him go and closed the door behind him. To be honest I wasn’t even sure I could do this. The last time I saw him I told him some pretty messed up things, and I don’t think he wants to see me, but I have to at least try, for Vic and Tony and Jaime, because even if I haven’t talked to them since that night, they had still become part of my family. Taking a deep breath to steady myself I walk to the door Vic pointed at and open it.

I felt all my anger leave at the sight before me, and I couldn’t help but to let out a strangled sob, that made him look up at me. He looked dead, even his eyes held no life. His skin was so pale and it looked like he hadn’t eaten in days. Empty bottles of alcohol were scattered around the room and I had a sense that the putrid stench in the air was his vomit. I couldn’t stop the tears; I couldn’t stop the sobs, because it hurt too much to see him like this.

“Sammy?” the sound of Mike’s voice, which was so strong, and now was so weak made me sob again.

“I can’t do this.” I said to him as I slid to the floor and put my head in my hands, “I didn’t think it was this bad. I was ready to yell at you for being an idiot, for putting your brother through this, but I didn’t think it was this bad. I don’t want to see you like this Mike. I can’t, it hurts too much.”

For the first time in months I felt my breathing start to hitch, and that all too familiar pain in my chest start to spread. “You’re fucking giving me a panic attack Mike!” I yelled in between gasps of breaths. “You were always the one who stopped them, whenever I was with you, I never had one, and now…” I felt my world begin to fade in and out and soon there was nothing but darkness.

I Could Never Leave Your Bed (Mike Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now