Chapter 2

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“Sammy?” my name leaves his lips instantly and I can’t turn away because he’s right there. I haven’t seen him in so many years, I haven’t talked to him, and I can see how much that has affected him because of the tears starting to build up in his eyes.

He keeps looking at me like he can’t believe it’s me, and I don’t blame him, I’ve changed a lot over the years, I’m not the same girl I was when I left the Fuentes household. My arms are covered in tattoos, something I swore I would never do, and I see it in his eyes, that question of what made me change my mind. The short hair cut that I had is gone replaced by ebony waves that fall down to my waist. The several piercings in my ears and a nose ring are all new. My girlish figure is gone I’ve grown out of it, and I understand why he’s staring at me with this incredulous look, because I look nothing like I did when he last saw me, the only thing that remains the same are my grey eyes that he can’t stop staring at because it’s the only thing that gives him validation that I am me.

“Hey, Vic.” The words don’t come out as smoothly as I wanted, because like him I’m holding back tears. He’s grown up so much, and it’s not like I don’t know how much he’s grown up. I’ve seen pictures of him, of the band, but now that I’m seeing him in person I notice all the little things that have changed. Here is the man I called my brother for so many years, and all I can do is stand and stare.

I wasn’t sure what to expect if I ever bumped into Vic again, hell I didn’t think I would ever see him again but there he was. I was expecting some harsh words, yelling, because the way I left him was, it’s unforgivable, but I didn’t expect this. In a matter of seconds Vic came running towards me and instantly wrapped his arms around me, holding me so tight that I could barely breathe, but I didn’t mind, because this type of reunion was something I new I couldn’t wish for but secretly did.

“It’s okay,” Vic said in a calming voice, and I knew I was shaking, I knew I was crying but I couldn’t help it, and all he wanted me to do was stop. “It’s okay.” He repeated but this time it wasn’t to calm me down, it was him forgiving me, and with those words I found myself wrapping my arms around his small frame.

“Vic,” a new voice broke through the dreamlike atmosphere that had settled around us like cold water and we both found ourselves instantly tensing. “What the hell are you doing we need to go!”

Neither of us wanted to let go, especially not me, not after knowing that all these years of ignoring Vic were in vain, that he had forgiven me, that nothing would have changed, I couldn’t. But I had to, because I couldn’t face the person behind me.

“Right.” Vic said snapping out of the same trance I had been in and dropping his arms so that his hands were in mine. “Just give me a second okay, Mike?”

I knew that he was still standing behind me, I could feel his presence and every fiber of my being was telling me to turn around and throw myself in his arms, but I held still keeping Vic’s eyes as my anchors holding me down making sure I didn’t do anything stupid.

“I’ll see you later then?” I whispered biting my lips hoping that Mike wouldn’t recognize my voice. I’m sure Vic could see the fear in my eyes because he gave me a sad smile before nodding.

“Yeah.” He whispered back before cupping my cheek with his right hand and placing a small kiss on my forehead. “I’ll see you later Sammy.” that part he whispered in my ear before he gave my left hand a reassuring squeeze and he walked away leaving my mind reeling.

I couldn’t help the temptation and I turned to look at the Fuentes brothers retreating to the stage. I instantly regretted it though because Mike’s eyes, the same eyes I grew up with met mine for only an instant before flickering to something else. With no hint of recognition he simply overlooked me, looked past me, and I knew that I was no longer a part of his life, that he had stopped caring for me long ago, but I could never stop caring about him. And all over again I felt the pain I felt the day I last saw him, because at least then he knew who I was, sure he hated me, but he had acknowledged me. Now he didn’t even know who I was.

“So,” Jack’s voice broke through my thoughts, and I found myself whirling around to face him, completely forgetting that he was there to begin with. “You maybe wanna get some food?” he gave me a goofy smile and I couldn’t help but to smile along with him.

“Sure.” I laughed knowing that that was his intention, but not even Jack could make me laugh, really laugh, at this moment. 

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