Chapter 14

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Waking up I couldn’t have been happier knowing that Mike really did love me, that last night actually happened, but as I turned to look at his beautiful sleeping form he wasn’t there. Instantly I felt worry wash over me. He couldn’t have left I told myself, he said he could never leave me, but as much as I tried to tell myself he was coming back I knew in the back of my mind that Mike had played me just like I had seen him use those countless other girls.

“I’ll wait.” I told myself, “I’ll wait. He’ll come back. He couldn’t leave me. He told me he wouldn’t, he told me he couldn’t.” but even those words sounded false to my own ears, yet I waited.

I waited all day and he didn’t come back. When the knock came at my door I was sure it was Mike, but when I ran to open it I found my father there instead. I almost broke down into tears right then and there, but I knew that I couldn’t that I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t waste a single tear on Mike.

“What do you want?” the edge that came from my voice was one I hadn’t known before, and I found myself flinching from it. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean for that to sound so harsh.” I said quickly hoping that he wasn’t hurt from it. Sure I resented him, but he didn’t deserve the verbal abuse I was giving him because of Mike.

“It’s okay,” he replied in an understanding tone that was also laced with grief, “I deserve it. I just wanted to ask you again before I left, I understand if you won’t change your mind but-” he mumbled on as he tried to get the words across, but I already knew my answer.

“Yes,” I cut him off and his eyes grew wide with disbelief, “I’ll go with you, but I have to say goodbye to someone first.”

“Of course,” he bellowed happily before he swallowed me in a hug which I automatically stiffened from. “I’m sorry, I just got a little excited,” he said as he quickly removed his arms from around me.


I knew where I would find Mike, I knew he would be here; this is the only place he would be. Quickly I climbed up the steps to our tree house, well his and Vic’s now, I wanted nothing to do with it now. I wasn’t sure what I would find when I popped my head in, but it definitely wasn’t Mike making out with some blonde bimbo, and I wanted to hate her but I couldn’t because she was everything I wasn’t, and it made sense that Mike would go for her.

I wanted to scream at him to hurt him like he hurt me, because right now I was numb from the pain, but I knew there was no way I could hurt him, he didn’t care about me. The pain was too much; all I could do was keep the pain from escaping. I cleared my throat and both of them looked up.

“Can I talk to you, alone?” I said looking at Mike’s eyes, seeing if there was any trace of regret any trace of solace but there was nothing.

“Sure.” He said with a smirk on his lips as he lifted the blonde from his lap and gave her a peck on the lips before he whispered something in her ear. She let out a giggle that made my blood boil before she walked past me and went down the steps leaving me and Mike alone. “So what did you want to talk about?”

“You know what I want to talk about Mike,” my words held that same edge they held earlier but this time I didn’t reign it in, I couldn’t. it was either the edge or the tears and I wouldn’t shed a tear for Mike no matter how increasingly hard that was becoming. “You said you wouldn’t leave. I waited for you, and you didn’t show up, and now I find you here with some blonde?”

“Sammy,” that nickname that I loved so much when it rolled of his lips was now the dagger that was being thrusted further into my heart. “Honestly? You know me, we grew up together. You should know by now this is what I do.”

I Could Never Leave Your Bed (Mike Fuentes)Where stories live. Discover now