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Ally yelled Austin's name until her voice was hoarse, but he left the shelter like he said he would. She felt pitiful for yelling at the boy, making him feel like the only resort left was going back to whatever hell he came from. Her knees sank to the ground and she felt herself shake as tears racked her body, loud sobs becoming once quiet tears.

A firm pair of hands were placed around her. They lifted her up and brought her into her makeshift room, putting her down on the bed. After making sure she was comfortable, they climbed in next to her and brushed the now wet, matted hair from her face.

"Riker, I'm a jerk," she whispered.

He patted her arm and looked to the ground, annoyed with himself for not being able to comfort the girl in any other way. It pained him to see her upset and he'd do anything to make the tears stop. Hard to do when you feel useless as a person. He couldn't make her happy.

"I'm sorry," she whispered again, as another set of sobs pushed through her body.

He got up and found a piece of paper, looking at the girl who saved him on so many occasions with the saddest of eyes. Go find him, he wrote. Ally blinked up from the bed, staring at his written words as if it made perfect sense, yet she didn't move. It hurt to think of where he could be already at this very moment and she wanted nothing more to bury her head into the sheets and pretend it all never happened.

But Ally was a better person than that. She wished she had the nerve to not care about someone, but the truth was that Austin was already in too deep with her. She royally screwed up and it was going to take a lot of fixing to get him back here. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Ally searched for her bag she threw in the room earlier and took out her car keys.

Not knowing what she found, she placed a hand on Riker's shoulder. It was an unspoken thank you and they both knew what it meant. Somehow, over the last few weeks, Riker had been her savior when times got rough. Something was wrong with that, but no one said a word. Because she couldn't see what she was doing to him. It was hard to watch the girl who laid such a special interest in him at one point, moving on to the next.

"I'll be back soon," she promised and left the room, not once looking back.

What had changed?

Ally drove down the highway towards town, looking for any sign of the blond Austin Moon. It was growing later in the day now, the sun far past the morning haze, almost near it's peak. Lunch time. She thought about his smile and laugh, wondering how he was able to go from what looked like such a happy go lucky boy into the dark, hurt boy she'd seen on too many occasions.

Cursing herself for having no idea where to start, Ally picked up speed. The exits began to become more frequent, edging off into different parts of Miami. Never once had she asked about his past, where he might be from, or anything really about him. She knew he loved music, that was all. Nothing about the boy gave off anything of where she could look first. Sure, he came to her in dirty clothes covered with blood, but that was nothing to go off of.

She grew frustrated with her barley thought out plan. Get in the car Ally and go look for a boy who didn't want to be found. No. Don't call Trish and tell her he ran off. Don't try and do anything rational, like you used to. Why did he do this to her? Why couldn't she think when he was around?

Ally pulled into the mall entrance, deciding to take a break. She knew this place like the back of her hand. Many memories came back to her instantly, seeing the Miami mall and it's many stores. Her childhood danced across her memory, reminding her of her own love of music. Seemed like a crazy time to pull out her music book, but her fingers ended up tracing the edge of it and pulling it open to a new page.

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