Broken boy

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Ally ushered him into the shelter, closing the door behind her. She motioned to Ryland to leave, and then quickly brought him into what was once her room, and thankfully also empty. Dez didn't say a word but sat down on the bed and despite it being hot outside, was wearing long sleeves. Deep purple bags were screaming from his eyes and his skin might as well have been true white. He looked haunted.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you're still here."

Ally smiled a bit and shook her head. "I can say the same for you, Dez."

He smiled slightly.

Ally didn't want to bring up bad memories but had to know what was going on. Last she had heard, he was going into a rehab of sorts and they wouldn't see him again. He glanced at her again, rubbing his arms. It sent chills up her spine but she refused to let it bother her anymore.



"I don't want to make you upset, but what are you doing here?"

"I'm back," he said simply.

He didn't seem to want to explain anything else, not that she blamed him. The last they saw of the boy, he was pulled out of the place on a stretcher, with Ally and Marie pleading to the boy to stay with them. It wasn't a good time, and it was a time that made her also remember how she almost left.

"I can see that," she said softly. "Dez. It's not that I'm not happy to see you. I'm overjoyed that you're here. I've missed you, but from what I was told… you were put into a rehab for self harmers."

He snorted immediately, dark eyes shooting up with a look of anger. "Is that what she told you?"

He got up and paced the room, looking more and more anxious as it continued.

"She didn't put me into a rehab, Ally. She sent me to a home for 'severely disturbed children'!" He had tears in his eyes and his fists were curled into tight balls, looking ready to grab whatever he could. Ally backed up on instinct, though she didn't think he would ever hurt her. "I'm not crazy. I was never crazy… you know that, right? Did you know she just left me in the hospital with no explanation?"

"No, it can't be true…"

"Well fuck, it is!" He slammed his fists onto the bed behind him, taking a pillow and tossing it at the door. It hit it with a thud, and then it slid down. Ally watched in sad fear. "Doctors didn't really care… they place was overfilled with way too many people, all who needed more help than what I did. I couldn't wait to turn eighteen, to sign myself out of there. I wasn't a 'risk to society' so I was able to make my own decisions. I got out of there a few weeks ago."

He threw something at her, and it landed at her feet. A bottle of pills. It rolled around for a moment and then it stopped, revealing what looked to be like some serious numbing pills. Ally gasped, and looked up at him in horror. What had happened? Why had she lied? How could she do that to the boy she had loved so much? Adopted to call her own!

"They don't do shit… they don't help. I didn't know where else to go. I was told I needed an address to be released, so I gave them Marie's. I went there, but her house was empty. I wanted answers, but I only found more questions. I couldn't find her. I came here and some guy I've never seen before answered the door and said she no longer worked here. He was with some blond kid, I'd never seen before." He looked so scared. "It was terrifying to be on the search for comfort and to only find unfamiliar things."

"Dez… I don't know what to say. If I would have known… this was not what I was told would happen." Ally wanted to cry, but she refused to give the boy anymore reason to break down. "Look at me when I tell you I had no idea. I'll explain what happened with her in a little while but right now, that's not important." Ally didn't know how stable he actually was. To put a boy who was suicidal in a mental home was probably the worst possible thing for him. Ally was also a firm believer in self harmers were hurt, not crazy. But to say his mindset was okay right now was far from the truth.

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